
What can I do to save money on my light bill? We have laptops, tvs in every room, night lights, oven light is

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on all night because my son sleep walks. Usually only two tv's is on almost all day. Pleasse help us conserve. Thanks




  1. well, they are more costy, but using fluorecent light bulbs would help with appliances that can be controlled, dont make them use so much energy like blasting volumes, turning the lights up all the way. if u can see without lights then dont turn them on. turn stuff off when not using them!

  2. The easiest way to cut down on your bill is to sell off all of your televisions, replace your current lights with the old fashion coal oil lights, turn off all lights at night.  If your son is sleep walking, he should not need the light to see since he is asleep.

  3. okay well. turn your laptops/computers/televisions off when you are done using them. when you walk out of a room turn the light off. don't keep the oven light on all night and try to put another nightlight in the kitchen so that it will take up less energy. also energy efficient lights will make a huge difference. if you have electric heat use it in moderation.

    hope this helps! =]

  4. make the kids play outside, like in the olden days!  if you make em sleep in the garden shed, you could save on heating bills also.

    send them to sleep over at their mates houses, use their elec and gas instead.

    these are just a few ideas to get the ball rolling for you.

    failing that, just turn them off!!!

  5. Saving money on any utility bill involves minimizing device use, changing to a more energy efficient device,  or insulating the house.

    1. Fluorescent light bulbs - big savings

    2. Lower setting on water heater - big savings

    3. Less use of oven, more stove top, microwave

    4. Set AC for 75 in summer, use fans. If large house, use two units and zone. Close ducts in rooms not used much.

    5. Set heat for 65 in winter, wear more clothes. If possible, install wood heater.(only if wood can be gathered free.)

    6. Install storm windows and seals around doors.

  6. When son not sleeping and have daylight...try doing without a ceiling light.  Replace reading bulbs with florescents and ceiling bulbs also.  May want to put a heat lamp up high in the bathroom instead of running the heat pump on at 70 only or less.  If temp in 60's try sweaters and light coats to keep heat off.  If in one spot...maybe a heat lamp to keep lighting plus heat in certain areas where people sit mostly.  Works for US...

  7. unplug all unused electonic devices when your not using them , if your son wanders at night try putting alarms on the doors and set the locks on the doors higher than your son can reach them. my little guy sometimes is afraid of the dark we kkep the bathroom light on at night for him,,,try switching your lightbulbs to energy efficiant lightbulbs they look like spiral bulbs you can find them at walmart ot most stores. the ones I buy last 9 years hehe I hate changing bulbs, we save lots on electricity and we are a family of 5  good luck hope this helps  ,

  8. It seems like you've almot answered your own question - cut down on things such as having two TVs on all day. Another thing to do would be to unplug appliances when they are not in use since, so called "zombie" appliances can use 40% as much energy when turned off, as when turned on.

  9. Turn stuff off.

    Anything else we can help you with?

  10. Don't use plug ins in your outlets. Unplug unused appliances and things that have to charge. Only charge chargeable items when needed.

    Turn lights off that are not necessary. (My 3 yr. old has a tendancy to turn all the lights on during the day cuz "he can't see." but that costs money. I only turn on a light when I can no longer see using the daylight provided!)

    If it's cold, put extra blankets on the beds in the house, crank down your thermostat a couple points.

    Use only cold water to wash clothing when possible.

    Provide lap blankets for TV watching or reading. If someone says "Its cold." Suggest putting on a sweatshirt and some warmer clothing instead of heading for the thermostat.

    Buy a cord of wood for a fireplace if you have one, but don't buy a space heater.

    Drink warm beverages in cool months to keep off the chill.

    In warmer months, keep the shades drawn in the daytime and open the house up in the evening using fans to keep it cool. Use a fan in each room when it's hot. Try placing a cool damp towel over a fan to cool the air a little more.  

    During the warm days, keep a spray bottle of water nearby for a cool off if you start to over heat. Drink lotsa a cool beverages!

    Is your gas on your electricity bill too? Blanket your water heater.

    Items plugged in to your outlets add up to almost 30% of your power bill. So unplug what you can!

    HTH a little Hon! :)

  11. LED night lights around the house will use very little electicity.  You have a safety issue that forces you to keep lights on, so the most energy efficient bulbs will save $.

    Set time limits on tv watching, that alone will help with that.  Start off with 1 hour less tv for 1 week, then go down more the 2nd week.  Find other things to do, read books, play family games like monopoly or scrabble.

    Oven light does not have to be on, install a led night light in the kitchen somewhere if you need that night time source of light.

    Laptops pull a bit less energy than a normal PC w/ CRT monitor, you might want to use the laptops on battery, use up some of that stored energy in the batteries...

    Do what you can to save energy and save $$.  You'll see results that will add up over time.

  12. refuse to pay your electric bill

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