
What can I do to stimulate my 7 month old?

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I live in south texas so walks are out for the summer, my husband has the car during the day so I can't go anywhere. I play with him with his toys and read to him but I feel like he is not learning enough or getting enough out of it. What do you do?




  1. Sounds like you are doing a fine job by reading to him and playing with him.  A 7 month old's brain is developing, taking things in right now that seem so simple to us, but he is learning, don't worry!  

  2. well there really is not that much more to do with a 7 month old but to play with him in doors sdand out doors and to go for walks and to let him watch educational things on TV and repeat alot of things they say I know that is what I did with all my children was talk to them all the time I would also and still do because I have a two year old and will point to pictures in books and say what the items where in the book and everything I say has a color to it like I will say get mommy the blue car insted of just get me that car . Even if your baby is still little still always talk to him

  3. It sounds like you are a good mother and doing all that is possible for a 7 month old.  He is just a baby.  You provide music, tactile toys, hard board books, blocks.  That is enough.  When the weather cools outdoors will be great.

  4. Don't worry, as long as he has plenty of your attention, he'll be fine.

    Some more ideas: You could mix some flour with water and have him play with that dough. Babies like the different texture and it would harm him, if he happens to swallow a bit. Do it where you can clean easily.

    Dance and sing with him. Babies love that.

    Many babies find it extremely interesting to watch what mom is doing. You could  carry him in a sling/carrier on your back during some normal tasks and tell him what you are doing. He is likely to enjoy and learn a lot.

  5. do you live in a very remote place? i live in uk so going out is always possible. are there any internet sites for your local area with activities? maybe you could mail the organizers of these to see if any moms will pick you up to go to these activities? And often there are sites where you can post ads to meet local moms so you could try that saying you are looking for someone who can pick you up. There are lots of helpful people who are just as eager to do things as you.

    if you are way too remote for that then toys that encourage standing, banging, pulling apart, and very simple problem solving along the lines of "wheres that squeaky block gone to?" are very good. I've just got jacob, who's 7 1/2  months a v-tech activity table. I got it off e-bay so it doesn't have to be expensive, but he loves it. I even change his nappy with him lying under it now, while he bashes it from underneath to see what noises it can make.

    also balls and stuff that rolls away are good as it encourages them to start trying to move about the place.

    but one of the most important things you are already doing and that's reading to him!! so even if that's all you ever do, give yourself a pat on the back and rest assured he's learning and loving his time with you.

  6. I live in Texas, why are walks out of the question? Its not that hot. How about getting him a baby pool? That would get him outside AND stay cool. Besides, summer's almost over anyways and you could replace playing in the pool with playing in the leaves.

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