
What can I do to stop my depression

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*my crush`s older brother hates me bcuss he says i am mean

*i hav friends,but only 1 of em is trust full

*people say hatful things to me

*they say im a nobody

*this one popular girl says i got a big but

*my last crush hated me

*lots of ppl dont like me

*every time i c a clown or my crush`s older brother im scared to death(i dunno y) and i can only think of bad things

*poor family

*dont got money to buy new and pretty clothes liek everyone else




  1. I have been in couselling for similar problems. I was told that I think of my life in a chain of uncomfortable and sad experiences I have had while others recall their years in a chain of pleasant events however small. The exercise I had to do was write four things I was grateful for in a journal every night before I slept. I was also asked to map out my life using pleasant happy experiences starting from my earliest memories to the present day. The end result was to help me see the good things in my life overtaking unpleasantness and learn to recall

    these moments with more clarity. This was supposed to help train me to recall the good parts in a chain rather than the off-putting parts.

  2. They are actually minor problems, wait until your an adult, that's when the problems REALLY begin.

    People that say your "nobody" are not worth YOUR time so don't stress over losers like that. Take care.

  3. Try to be kind, and genuine and loving. Be the kind of friend you would want to have, and NEVER listen to the mean things that jealous people say. Keep having crushes, but don't expect much from them. We are a "poor" family, and we have the nicest family and ton's of great memories. Spend you time with your family, they should be cherished. Avoid your crush's older brother, and clowns. It would always be nice to have the money to buy pretty clothes, and stuff. Its just not always possible. Learn to appreciate who you are so that others will appreciate you too...Learn to appreciate what you have, so you wont miss what you don't have.

  4. hunny....

    i am fifteen and when i was in seventh grade those where my problems and theyy seemed really hard at the time.[not saying your a seventh grader] but just remeber that your life can and will get better trustt me i promise you; and this might not be the best advice cause its comeing from me.

    and i am depressed at the moment but if this helps my problems are a million times worse.

    1)i live in my grandma's basement with my mom sister and brother

    2)i am haveing a miscarriage[and i am fifteen and they hurtt bad]

    3)i am comeing out of a drug addiction which is HARD

    4)my mom is trying to send me away from everything i love. to live with my dad in another state

    5)my 17yr old boyfriend is a stoner and makes my life **** most of the time.

    6)i attempted suicide and failed.

    7)i have a brain tumor that my mom can barely scrape the money for the surgerys i need.

    *) my mom goes out and gets drunk every friday and saterday

    9) i get new clothes once a year [and there from walmart if not the mission

    soooo just think at least your life isnt like that... lol i know not the best adivice but heyy i can tell you this even with all that stuff i still try and smile and be happy cause every moment you spend angry sad mad scarred or depressed is a waist of beautifuul life and life should not be wasted it should be lived and to the fullest.  

  5. Begin your day knowing that you have decided to create an idea that will propell your finances forward.Don`t just sit their,actually go talk to people where you want to work with confidence.Think of solutions to make their business better.Hope brings excitement and excitement brings a chance to prove those solutions with a new job.When interviewing only talk about how you believe you can improve the company and mean it.When you think lack of money that is what you will have.When you think wealthy that will be attracted to you.Do this constantly and you will win.See you at the top.

  6. i think the only way you'll find happiness is through our lord God. i suffered from depression for almost a year it was very hard for me to cope with everything the doctors tried to give me medication but it just made things worse so they took me off ...soon after i began to read a bible my aunt had given me, i guess it helped me in ways that i would've never imagined... im very blessed and i thank our Lord God for all of my achievements in life.

  7. Pay less attention to what ppl say, and get more sunshine and exercise, and your mood will improve. Also see the book called Emotional Intelligence and you'll find a list of thing you can do to boost your feelings of wellbeing. You can borrow it from the library.  

  8. 1. Who cares what your crushes older brother thinks.

    2. 1 friend you can really trust is a wonderful friend, you should look at it that way.

    3. people say hateful things to most everyone, it's a part of life.

    4. why be concerned with being a "somebody"

    5. The popluar girl is probably envious of you for something and takinga pot shot, ignore her.

    6. who cares what the last crush thought, time to move on.

    7. lots of people don't like a lot of people, refer to number 3.

    8. Clowns freak me out too....

    9. Most of America livesbeneath the poverty level.

    10. seems to coincide with number 9.

  9. okay ill follow your bulletins

    1ighten up its not your crush, i mean some siblings arent very close

    2same here atleast i have one

    3gnore them totally it may sound like its a common saying but it works because if you dont react back the bully does not get their satisfaction

    4really as someone whose been back and forth between popularity and not; having friends determines if you are a nobody and if you have one true friend you are not a nobody

    5shes jelous

    6thats why you have a new one

    7you have a phobia like most people

    8you dont need to buy happiness ever no matter what

    9you can get anything im not sure where you live but in florida they have like a million consignment shops with that

  10. May God grant you the serenity to accept the things you cannot change: the courage to change the things you can: and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one moment at a time: Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace: taking as he did this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting he will make all things right, if I surrender to his will: That I may be reasonable happy in this life and supremely happy with him Forever in the next. Works for some people.  

  11. Everyone pretty much covered everything but is there something you have done in  the past that you think no one likes you? I mean, people joke around saying i hate you all the time. Did you do something? Who cares if you don't have that kind of money, i mean, i don't either but what's stopping me from enjoying this beautiful world? Just talk to your crush's older brother whether you like it or not, better than having awkwardness every time your around him. A nobody really just depends on what type of person you are. if you were sleezy, s****., full of your self etc etc than your a nobody. Are you like that? I'm sure your not. Ignore everyone who says those hateful things, they are probably jut bored with their lives. Just chill you know? Concentrate on your studies but don't be too concentrated and talk to your trustworthy friend.

  12. You have grown up thinking that what someone says controls how you feel. This is not true.

    When someone says something to you, before you react, what they have said has no power over you - is this not true?

    It is not what people are saying to you that makes you cry or feel upset, it can only be your reaction to it that makes you that way.

    So, you have believed you have had no control over it, the other people had the control - but now you can see that is not true.



    For example - If someone lost their job, they can think "it is the end of the world for me". Or they can look at it another way. They can think "what a wonderful opportunity I now have to find a better job, one that I love and more money".

    If someone doesn't "like you", you can think "woe is me, I'm very unpopular without any friends". Or you can think "thank you my friend for showing me that I need to love myself more, so that you can love me".

    The power is in your hands.

  13. Baby. I want to hug you right now. All of those negative things you write are  just normal things. People always find ways to say bad things to you no matter  what. Just IGNORE them.

    To have only ! trusted freind is good enough. Just trust yourself because sometimes sooner or late they will broke your trust. They are just humans.

    When they say you are "nobody" Think that NOBODY is perfect. SO you are perfect! ( Try to find the lighter side of it. ) Laugh.

    That popular girl says you have a big but... Who knows? she wanted to have that big butt of yours? You know JLO? To top of it all.. many people having puds on thier butts just to look bigger, or have injections to have bigger butt.

    Your crush hated you..ohhhhhh..... look around there are more guys around. Its just a crush.. when you grow older.. you will laugh at yourself  and asks  yourself why you had a crush on him.

    .(Feelings do change overtime)

    Lots of people don't like you? Why please them? Be your good loving self.

    Darling, you are not alone. Many people  are afraid of clowns. Lets face it not all clowns looks funny at all. They look scary with thier make up and get ups.

    Being poor is a blessing in disguise. You can use your full potential and use all your strenght and energy to live just decently. Life is a struggle. Keep moving on. Plan. See yourself  as succesfull in the enar future. Make it a habit to see yourself dressed in the best way in your future.

    Why do you think  Britney Spears is depressed . She is rich. she have lots of fan.. I'm one of them. She has lots of nice clothes, shoes, and everything. She is still depressed.So don't be deprssed becuase you don't  have new clothes.

    Baby, what you are expereincing right now is normal. Your problem is not a problem of big butts, and poor family. It's everyone's else problem. Just Love yourself and be assured that You are created unique.

  14. Stop thinking such things. Perhaps some fresh air could do you good.

    Count your blessings and be nice to yourself.  

  15. You just listed a bunch of negative things in your life that make you unhappy. Well why don't you try listing a bunch of positive things in your life that make you happy? Stop dwelling on the the things that upset you, and start enjoying your life. All of your "depression" is based off of what others have said or done to you. Stop blaming your depression on others. Only one person can make you happy or sad, and that's YOU.  

  16. Taking Authority over Your EmotionsEmotions are an area that many Christians don’t understand. Because of this, Believers often allow their emotions to lead them. As a result, emotionally-led decisions take them on a course that is out of the will of God for their lives. While God gave every human being emotions, it is critical that we get control over negative emotions and subject them to the Word of God. Make these daily confessions so that you can subject your feelings to God’s Word and make the right decisions:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me healthy emotions. I declare that negative emotions will not impact my decisions, neither will they dictate my responses to difficult circumstances. I will submit my feelings to You in every situation that I encounter in life. You have given me authority over the power of the enemy, and I declare that nothing shall by any means hurt me, including people and situations that try to negatively influence my emotions. When I feel overwhelmed by life, or troubled by negative emotions, like Jesus, I will pray and keep moving forward  I bind depression, anxiety, worry, fear, doubt, anger, rejection and any other negative emotion that tries to attack my mind. I possess power, love and a sound mind. I thank You, Father, that I walk in peace, joy and the comfort of the Holy Ghost. I have the mind of Christ and my emotions are controlled by the Word of God. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

    Scriptural references:

    ·Mark 14:33-35

    ·Luke 10:19

    ·2 Timothy 1:7

    ·Romans 14:17

    ·1 Corinthians 2:16

    God Bless U

  17. Don't pay attention to them, be yourself. Just take care of yourself, If people don't  like you that doesn't matter,  there is someone in  heaven that really cares about  you and protect you wherever you go  

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