
What can I do to stop my dog from doing this?

by  |  earlier

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I have a three-month-old puppy who is potty trained, won't go inside the house and knows to go to the door when he has to "do his business," no accidents, etc. But anytime we leave him in his kennel, whether for half an hour or three hours, when we come back, he has peed in the kennel and is SOAKING WET with his own pee!!!

We take him out before we put him in there, withhold food and water for a few hours before we leave, give him toys and rawhide chews, and try to make the kennel comfortable...but he still does this!

Anything we can do?




  1. well this dog is 12 weeks old. this dog can stay in his crate without going to the bathroom for 4 hours. no matter what hes gonna go if hes not out of there in that time.  

  2. I'm thinking you are leaving him in the kennel too long.  My dogs can hold their water for at least five hours but they are full grown.  Ordinarily a dog will not urinate where they sleep unless they have no choice.

  3. You should get a doggy door so he can go out side when he needs to go potty or get him some pee-pee pads to put in his kennel.

  4. Does he feel Ok to be in the kennel. Maybe he becomes frighted.  Are you sure he is kennel trained. If he panics about something that would cause him to do that.  

  5. well make sure you don't yell at him before and well he is in the cage it will make him scared and pee and if he still dose say bad dog in in a angry voice the n the pup will know it did something wrong and it might stop  

  6. It sounds kind of strange, but could the kennel be too big for him?

    The reason that kennel training works is that a dog sees the crate as his bedroom, and he won't go potty in there. Sometimes, though, if the crate is too big, he might think of it more as a house, and he'll use one area as the potty and a different area to sleep in.

    If this is the problem, you can try two things.

    First, if he is a small breed, and will stay small, sell that crate and buy one to fit him when he gets bigger.

    Second, if your dog is a large breed, and you bought a crate to fit him as an adult, you did the right thing. A lot of people buy a small crate, and then the dog can't fit it when he gets older. I'm not sure what to do if it's a plastic crate, but if you have a metal crate, you can get a divider. I've got one for my golden retriever. It just pops in, you can adjust it to what ever size you need, and it comes out pretty easily. You should try looking on Petsmart's website.

  7. Maybe he just doesn't like the kennel.

    He is still a puppy though so it might be hard for him to hold it.

    Have you ever tried leaving him roaming the house while you are gone?

    If that is not an option then try leaving him in the bathroom.

  8. Not sure how young your puppy is, but i wouldn't suggest locking him up with food chews. It is weird that he is going to the washroom in his kennel. Usually people lock their dogs up to teach him to told it longer. Or so that they don't go in the house because they hate going to the washroom in a small area they have no choice to be in.

    Maybe he is upset that he is locked up, or that you are leaving him alone? So he is trying to tell you something.

    Maybe if you try to confin him to a small room with some toys. An area where he doesn't feel so closed in.

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