I recently added some more fish to my tank, including two Golden Barbs. One of them keeps nipping the fins/tales of the other fish - Guppies and Neon's, and occasionally the other Barb. In the tank is also a Moonlight Gourami who gets on fine with the little ones.
I put him in isolation for a couple of days and he improved, but then started doing it again. Is there anything I can do to stop it or do I need to get rid of him?
Getting another tank for him isn't an option. I'd have to take him (or both of the Barbs) back to the shop, or find someone willing to take them in.
The tank is not overcrowded, etc. I asked at the shop if two Golden Barbs would be happy together with Neons and Guppies and was told there shouldn't be a problem.
Help! What should I do?