
What can I do to stop them from getting on my last nerve?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so lately ... My cousins and my aunts came to visit. So basically alot of people (I don't mean to brag whatsoever) think I look like Cristiano Ronaldo, look him up if you don't know who I'm talking about. At first I didn't know if to take it as a compliment cause I've heard alot from him ...

But then my aunt and cousins are the ones who say it everysingle day! Because alot of people have told me that also, but not as much as they do! No joke, and at first I was .. Ok. But now it's killing me! I gotta survive with them for um, 3 more weeks, what can I tell them in a nice way, so they can stop telling me that!




  1. deal with it.

    they're family.

    leave 'em alone.

    they love you & are only trying to make conversation.

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