
What can I do to stop thinking this way?

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I’m 14 years old and I just started high school (I’m a Freshman, I started 3 weeks ago) and I’m not very confident in myself; at least not in my outer beauty. I’m sort of big boned and I have a little tummy (unfortunately) and I just feel so awkward and fat around everyone because of it. I always feel like the fattest, heaviest person when I'm around others.

I also feel extremely ugly all the time. When I look at myself in the mirror I don’t see anything good at me. I hate my facial features the most, but I definitely don’t like my body either. I have never had one day or even one minute I can remember where I felt pretty.

What can I do to stop thinking this way? I feel like I’m the ugliest, fattest girl in school and it’s really ruining my life…please help, what should I do?




  1. I doubt that your the fattest person in your school but if your not satisfied with your body image then try losing a little weight. No more than 5 or 10 pds because your still at a growing state and you don't wana stop your growth. Don't go over board with hating how you look because that could lead to an eating disorder. We all have flaws and we are very judgmental of ourselves, perhaps to much. If you really don't like your facial features then try putting a lil make up. When a say a lil I mean A LITTLE, not a whole bunch so you look like a w***e! Just a lil bit of masacre, eyeliner, and some juicy lipgloss. Thats fine for your age but anything more is just sluty. Best thing you can do is except who you are, thats how god made you so you have to make the best of it. No matter what be healthy and love your body! GOOD LUCK!=)

  2. i used to be the same way

    you will overcome it, 14 can be an awkward age.

    get a photo of yourself where you look your best, and look at it every day to remind yourself of how pretty you are

    wear clothes that fit too, it may sound superficial, but they always make me feel SO much more confident. :)

  3. you sound a lot like my friend (she will remain nameless) she is a tiny bit chunky but she thinks shes morbidly obese or something, you shouldnt think about things like that, chances are nobody else thinks that way about you, everybody has flaws and little things they dont like about themselves but most of the things are nothing and the only way to fix them is some stupid painful surgery. dont let anything like that ever bring you down

  4. you need to be cofident in yourself. make sure you are the center of attention, by wearing nice clothes and things.

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