
What can I do to take care of the Earth?

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Draw something that I can do




  1. the things the guy above me said are very good. here are some more things that you could do:

    -RECYCLE!(that's a biggie) there are lots of things that can be recycled around your home. 84% of all household items are recyclable.

    -dont throw away plastics or aluminum cans! they take 500 years or more to biodegrate. it also takes 90% less energy to recycle aluminum cans than make new ones. as for plastics, the adverage family throws away 88 pounds of plastics each year. they both take up a h**l of a lot of room in the land fills. aprox. only 10% of the land fills can be cleaned.

    -dont buy fur coats or ivory. most of the animals they come from are endangered.

    -turn off the lights if you are not currently in the room, it saves alot of energy.(it also saves money on your electrical bill)

    -turn off the water when your brushing your teeth. we use about 12,000 gallons of water each year, and 1/3 of all the water is flushed down the tiolet. (just letting you know)

    -use less paper. for every 2000lb. (1 ton) of paper recycled, we get 7,000 gallons of chemical-free water! how cool is that?

    -(this one should give you joy!) use paper plates more often than glass or clay plates. you dont have to wash as many dishes! you can just burn the plates instead, and they wont let off any harmful chemicals! you also save 9-12 gallons of water. thats how much water it takes for one load of dishes!

    -run, walk, carpool, or take public transportation rather than drive you car so much. one bus can hold as many people as 40 cars. and each gallon of feul you use puts 20 pounds of carbon dioxide into the air. multiply that by the 2 gallons of gas each of the 5000 automobiles use each day, you get a h**l of alot of air pollution! (walking is better for your health anyway.)

    hope you got some ideas from these facts! it took me awhile to type it all!

                                       HAPPY EARTH DAY!

  2. Even though this doesn't technically answer your question, I need to tell you that you are taking care of the Earth right now just by thinking about helping.

  3. well some day you may become fertilizer ..what ya think

  4. well for one u could follow the law and don't litter, take care of ur plants if u hav any, do community service and help clean up differ areas of ur town, recycle, at the super market ask for paper bags instead cuz plastic takes for ever to b broken down.

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