
What can I do while riding on a 2 hour plane flight?

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I know its not that long but can u listen to mp3 players or not? or can u get on your laptop?




  1. All I do is listen to music, lol! Sure, you can listen to MP3 players! When riding with my mom while she's working her flight, she'd make sure that I don't have any electronics on during take-off/landing. The same applies to laptops.

    You can read, draw, sleep (of course), or whatever...just NO SMOKING. The bottom line is that if you're going to use electronics, don't cut them on until you're airborne (I usually wait until I hear the noticeable moaning of the landing gear being extended/retracted), and cut them off once you're coming in for a landing.

  2. you can read a book!

  3. I always stay up the night before and pack my bag so that way when I get to the airport I am tired then I sleep the whole flight.

  4. once you get in the air they will tell you when you are allowed to use electronics. mp3 players and laptops are both fine to use, you just have to wait until you are in the air and are told it is ok to turn them on.

  5. You can use your electronic devices on a trip that short, but I've often found that it's more of a hassle than it's worth.  You can't use it during take-off  or until the plane reaches altitude and you have to put it away when the plane starts its descent so out of the 2 hours, you really only have about an hour or maybe a bit more.

    If you're in a window seat, you're stepping over the other person/people to get the stuff out of the overhead (unless it's under the seat in front of you), but if you're talking about a laptop, that's pretty bulky to be pulling out from under the seat in front of you unless you know the person sitting next to you (you're so crammed into the seats these days, there's just no room to move around without disturbing the people next to you).  

    I travel a lot, but when I go on a flight that is 2 1/2 hours or less, I stick with a book.  But if you're determined, an mp3 maybe, but I wouldn't bother with the laptop unless you're in an aisle seat .

  6. Read a book.

    You can use MP3 players except for a couple of minutes during take-off and a couple of minutes during landing. Same with laptops.

  7. Well it depends on how much time you would be idle.

    See what i do

    Approx 20 mins go aways in refreshments

    then 20 mins for newspaper and magazines

    then 45 mins on my laptop playing games, cleaning my softwares and unnecessary files which helps in optimising my machines performance

    for next 15 mins i listen to music

    and now at last i just close my eyes and think about how to move to office for a meeting and what would be the key points for meeting and meditate also.



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