
What can I do with My High blood pressure ?

by  |  earlier

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I am 20 and i have a problem with my pressure it is high all the time




  1. You need to be cared for by a cardiologist.

  2. Eat less animal fat like meat, cheese, eggs, milk & ice cream.

  3. you can do is to modify your lifestyle such as limiting your sodium intake, increasing your physical activity (I would recommend to see your practitioner before engaging to any exercise program). If your practitioner prescribed you a medication, take them as prescribed. Eventhough you feeling better after taking your meds, you still have to take it. If you smoke, pls quit. If you dont, dont start. stay away from stress if possible. Also, if possible, do not drink caffienated beverages. make an appt. to your practitioner, for sure, he/she'll help you with your high BP good luck!!

  4. Get a prescription for a control drug, and change your diet so that it doesn't increase blood pressure.

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