
What can I do with a 3 and 1/2 year old that is refusing to sleep, he sleepsin his own room and we usually?

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read him a story and then he is left to go to sleep on his own and it was taking him between 10 Min's and an hour to go off but the past week he has just been refusing to go to sleep he doesn't cry or anything he just lies in his bed and last night it was midnight and he was still awake




  1. give him some benadryll    

  2. Pay attention to anything in his life that may be adding stress. People don't realize how much can affect this. Give him a lot to do during the day (playing and helping around the house) Ask him if he knows why he can't fall asleep and if it makes him feel more tired during the day. You should also make him get up early. Obviously if he is sleeping late in the day he is going to have trouble sleeping at night.

  3. If he takes a nap you could try making that shorter and earlier in the day.  You could also have an activity in the late afternoon that wears his little self out.   LOL  

    A warm bath and the continued routine of the book at bedtime, along with a definite bedtime should do the trick.

    Kids do well with a routine; but, every now and then they will throw you a curve.

    Good luck and God bless.

  4. get him more exercise during the day, boys need to burn off energy .  Also cut out the sugar u give him.

  5. If you are giving him naps, stop for a while to see if it helps.

    Try a warm bath followed by a half a cup of warm milk.  After his story rub his back for about five minutes and it shouldn't be long after he is off to sleep.

  6. don't make it a issue if he's not causing problems. it's ok if he is awake. he may just need some down and it's good he does it this way instead of a tantrum. take him outside to run around after dinner. then a nice bath with a story afterwords. worked for me

  7. Scratch his back x]

  8. same problem but this seemed to work for us.  m y son sleeps in a king single bed. we read his book turn lights off and pretend we were sleeping! then leave his worked for us.

    good luck..

  9. maybe he has to much on his mind, try getting him a noise maker that has beach sound effects it will help him sleep

  10. ask his pediatrician

  11. i babysat a kid and that would happen... i massaged his forehead lightly its really relaxing just message his temples with your thumbs and it works within 2-15 minits hope this helps I'm not a mom but this works trust me.  

  12. A couple of things can contribute to his sleep rebellion

    One, could be caffeine. A lot of people don't realize that a lot of pops, chocolates, candies even apples have caffeine in them! These are things best to be enjoyed 6 hours or more before bedtime.

    Also things that have Red40 (listed on the ingredients) can produce energy in one's tired body.

    If he doesn't "want" to go to sleep, wear him out! 4 hours before bedtime, make him run and play outside. Then as he slows down, lay with him until he falls asleep. It might take awhile to work, but it may help. Good luck!

  13. try some melatonin

    you can buy it in stores it is a natural ingredient that makes pretty much every one go to sleep

    doctors are starting to prescribe it to everyone has insomnia or just wants to go to sleep

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