
What can I do with a BA in Social Sciences with an emphasis in Anthropology?

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  1. I you're lucky and have the GPR you can qualify for graduate school where you may really learn something.

    These days a college degree is about equivalent to a high school diploma a few years ago.

    Of course, today's student's math is not equal to their parents high school math. Sad but true!

  2. Anthropology is the study of human kind, where as, Sociology is the study of society and human behavior.  Both disciplines are connected.  In many Universities, such as San Jose State University located in California. The study of Sociology fall under the Anthropology department. Upon graduation, you would be able to pursue a career in Human Resources, Social Worker or in Marketing, just to name three fields of applications.  However, there basic Sociology which is to do research and publish your findings, of  course part of this academia.  Keep in mind academia usually isn't considered applications.

  3. Luckily anthropology is very broad so you can pretty much do whatever  you want. Here are some ideas, fundraiser, government research analyst, public administrator, public relations specialist, radio/tv newscaster, school psychologist, social worker, teacher, professor, travel consultant, librarian, market researcher, mental health worker, multi-cultural educator, museum curator, business manager, career counselor, child welfare worker, editor/writer/journalist, education coordinator, child welfare worker, researcher, psychiatrist, International relations specialist, etc.

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