
What can I do with a sociology degree in the UK?

by  |  earlier

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Erm, I worked in the MOD before it. Obviously, if you can get a decent job before a degree, you can get one after it.




  1. I completed a sociology degree in 2001 and have worked in social and market research, then moved on to public sector consultation roles and am currently working in social housing in 'tenant participation' - co-ordinating events (conferences, discussions etc), carrying out research, writing a tenant newsletter, running a forum etc. etc. I know of other people who went on to train as social workers and probabation officers and others who work in regeneration...

  2. Manager for pizza hut,   lol  but really, the best thing i think is a career in the social services working with people.

  3. well you must have some ideas, to start off with? Work for governemtn or a think tank that deals with statistics. Or take a cource to be a councilor, take a masters, go on a grad management course, do anything you want.

  4. Work in the Social Service department of a hospital placing people who cannot go back into their previous settings on discharge from the hospital.

  5. Get drunk and high for several years, gain the ability to be unaware of your staggering debt and then work in Tesco.


  6. -Join a political party?

    -Start a political party?

    -Lots to do with politics?

    -Take an extra degree and become a lecturer in Sociology and social policy?

    -Take an extra degree and become a social worker?

    Endless..... there are access courses you could take that may possibly widen your area of learning.

    Good Luck

  7. Here are the occupational groups in which Sociology graduates nationally first gain employment, based on recent data.

    Clerical & Secretarial

    Management & Administration

    Associate Professional & Technical Occupations

    Personal Services


    Professional Occupations

  8. Social research or advertising perhaps. The truth about an arts degree is that a lot of the time it doesn't matter which arts degree it is, rather what additional skills you can demonstrate. It's the fact of having a degree that gets you graduate jobs.

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