
What can I do with an old artificial Christmas tree that is not in good enough shape to donate?

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We have an artificial Christmas tree that is losing its branches and the needles keep coming off. It's a sad tree. I don't want to just throw it away, but I don't know if I can recycle it. I don't want to give it to Goodwill b/c it is in such sad shape. I live in the Indianapolis, IN area. Thank you!




  1. Ah, a little too far away.   My last Christmas tree was a stick with an ornament hung on it.   Might upgrade this year to a branch.

  2. Unfortunately I think the only thing you can do (if it's an absolute goner) is to bin it.

    Horrid I know! I really can't think of anywhere that recycles them, maybe you could take it apart make decorations from the branches or something. Other than that I don't know. I really don't want you to throw it out!!

    Instead of buying a new artificial one why not trying a live one in a pot? You can let it grow all year round outside and bring it in for Christmas?

    I found this site, I think it may just be for the UK but take a look there may be a similar thing in the US:

    Sorry I couldn't really answer your question.

    Bright Blessings.

  3. You should just throw it away. That is what I would do.

  4. Very simple!

    Dismantle the tree into its constituent parts.

    Then you may find some are ready to reuse and ideas may come to you to reuse others.

    The items which you feel not reusable may be sent for recycling.

  5. Big Nickle's wreath idea is good :) Also, you can use the needles (or artificial pine leaves) to decorate windows, doorways, or even create accents for candle holders. Add holly or poinsettia and, ta-dah! Perfect Christmas Hallmark Moment. All you need is a cute kid smiling and it's a Kodak Memory :)

  6. well if it in that bad of shape don't give it to goodwill or any other place ,it will only end up costing them to dispose of it,you could try to re use the tree can you make it into a wreath take it apart weave it into a kind of circle shape and voila wreath,if to far gone just dump it

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