
What can I do with daughter's Barbie Collection?

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My mother and I and friends and relatives have bought my daughter collectable Barbies since she was very small and they were kept displayed in her room. Since she was about 9 or 10 she has not had any interest in them and packed them away. Now that she is 13 she has no interest at all and just wants to get rid of them. I don't know if it's worth saving them for the daughter she MIGHT have someday or give them away or what. Most were gifts from my mother who got her the hard-to-find Barbies so I really don;t want to give those away.

Also, unfortunately, even though she never actually played with them my daughter did take them out of their boxes (after being told not to) but all still have their original packages.

I'm not so concerned with their monetary value as I am with the love with which each of these Barbies was given to my daughter.

Suggestions please!




  1. Here is a great article that explains the best way to store your dolls.

    Almost all collectors need to store part or all of their doll collection.  Some collectors do not have enough room to display their entire collection, so they rotate dolls from display to storage regularly.  Others simply loose interest in a type of doll for awhile, and they store those dolls until they decide what to do with them.  In any event, its a rare collector who does not have some need for doll storage.

  2. I would honestly save them untill she gets a bit older..pack them away securely and store them.. se is only 13.. she dosen't get the value in love right now.. wait until she gets in her later 20's maybe early 30's and she will appreciate the fact that you kept them for her...She will probably re display them....

  3. I'd keep them for her,she's 13 after all and she don't know anything about things being worth alot of money in the future. And besides that after her grandma is no longer with her she will cherish them.

  4. Well, you should keep them for keepsake. Maybe one day, when she is like 20 you could show her them and tell her how much they mean to you. You should put them in a box and in a safe spot. And maybe, if she has kids, she could pass them down to her kids and so on.

    And if you decide to sell them; do it on ebay, im sure you could get some good $$!

  5. I'd keep them.  My mom saved most of my toys and books when I was younger ( in the 70's) and my 6 year old daughter loves playing with them today.  You can hold onto them until your daughter is older ( if you have the space) and when/if she has a child, then see what she wants to do with them.

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