
What can I do with my 2 year old filly while she's in Quarantine?

by  |  earlier

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She's not sick AT ALL! She's just moving onto an army post and they have to put any horse coming on post in quarantine for 10 DAYS! Which I think sucks. I want to start training her now! But I'm thinking that there has to be SOMETHING I can do with her in a small box stall? I mean would it be a good idea for me to place a sircingle on her, as long as she doesn't kick, it should be fine. But is there anything else? Please only serious answers.




  1. ten days isnt that much just wait

  2. Handle her, touch her, get her used to you. See what she's like with clippers - you could trim her up, or get her used to them if she doesn't already know. Practice picking up feet nicely. Ground manners. Do some stretching exercises with her . . . ummm, I'll keep thinking.

    Wearing tack, being led around, staying out of your personal bubble. Teach her voice commands for walk and halt. Really whatever you can think of to handle her and give her some constructive work while she cooped up will be good for her mental wellbeing as well as for her future. Have fun with her! :)

  3. You can start with head yeilding, which in turn will prepare you for the one rein stop, an essential. Get her used to being touched all over and bond with her.  Introduce her to your training tools so she won't be frightened when you start to use them. Practice with haltering and the bridle by putting them on, pet/love/reward, then take it off, repeat, over and over until she is completely comfortable.Don't be in such a hurry, these things take time if you want to do it right! Good Luck!

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