
What can I do with my compost?

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I own a juice bar and have lots of peelings/pulp leftover and I hate throwing it away because I hear that there are many uses for them. Does anyone have any recipes/ideas? Thanks.

p.s. - i use pretty much all fruits but papaya.




  1. No i dont have recipes. But you can use your compost by putting it in a hole or your gardening space then add your plants and grow them as so. Compost is a key factor to make plants grow better and it works as a natural fertilizer so you dont have to buy Miracle Gro or any fertilizers from the store

  2. My dad will dig a hole about two feet deep just large enough that a metal trash can lid will cover it.  Then as they use veggies and fruit and have the peelings etc he puts it in the hole.  When the hole if half full he covers it with dirt then digs a new hole.  

    He has been doing this for years and years.  Works pretty well to add nutrients to his vegetable garden.

  3. This is Class A compost BUT, if you just

    put it in a barrel, you will get some heavy-

    duty brandy fast.

      IF you want to help the farmer or garden

    grower, you can layer the fruit leftovers with dirt and some leaves and/or grass clippings.

      Buy and add a few earthworms and see

    if they can stand the heat.  If they die, it's too hot.  If they live, you have some great

    compost that you could even sell.

      Earthworms are the fastest way to turn

    vegetation into wonderful garden soil.

      NOTE:  You also need to add water to

    this mix, but not drench it or you will have

    mold and nothing will grow.

      Talk to some gardeners and they will give

    you great tips.  

      Here's a website where you can go and

    ask this same question and get lots of answers.

  4. You can make cakes or muffins- they tend to use peelings as ingredients (i.e. lemon zest).

  5. I don't know where you live but if it is anywhere near a hog farm...perfect fodder for hogs and chickens, just like candy to a child, it can also be left to ferment a while and mixed in as fertilizer in your garden. That stuff will also work very well to make your own booze with if you are in to that. One can also use it in confections, pies and cakes too. Put a few pieces in a glass of water to add a little flavor to it. A person could even add a few pieces to the skillet or the boiling water when fixing a meal. I suppose a few pieces could be used as a garnish. A little imagination goes a long way. Even dry them and you have dried fruit chips, great for a camping trip or as a snack.

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