
What can I do with my mom ??? she doesn't let me go out with my friends . ?

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What can I do with my mom ??? she doesn't let me go out with my friends . ?




  1. go everywhere with her until she gets so annoyed she either buys you tons of stuff to shut you up oooor: lets you go out with your friends

  2. 1) how old are you?

    2) how old are your friends?

    3) has your mother given you any reasons?

    Usually, parents think one is too young, or that the friends are not good enough for you.

    If you are 13 - well, then there is not much you can do.

    If you are 16/17 - then i think you are entitled to some explanations.

    Did you do anything that makes your mother not trust you? Find a way to regain that trust.

    Best chance : when you and your mother are alone, and relaxed, try and talk to her. Explain, in detail what you want to go do with your friends, (in other words, don`t say just "oh, we are going to hang out somewhere" but rather "we want to go to the mall to look at clothes and giggle at people, and afterward go to the movie (name it!)".)

    Show her you have thought through all this.

    Ask her for her reasons to say no - and also ask her to specify. (in other words, 'because i say no' is not really an answer)

    Maybe she has some reasons you didn`t realize yet, and that do make sense.

    When you are talking - stay calm. Don`t argue, but rather ask explanations. If things don`t make sense, tell your mother.

  3. I don't blame her. There's nothing out there but s*x, drugs, and stupidity. Until you're 18, there's nothing you can do.  

  4. I'm going to answer this as a mom myself. I have a son who is a sophomore in high school and he is allowed to go out with friends as often as he wants.  BUT...he's a straight A student, he's never been in any kind of trouble with the law or at school, he's respectful and responsible and I can trust his judgment. If you are the same kind of kid as my son you deserve to be allowed to go out, within reason. Try sitting down with your mom and telling her that this is hurting you. Sometimes it's really hard for us moms to let go enough to allow you to be on your own.  Have a conversation with her like an adult and maybe she'll be willing to give you a few adult privileges.  If you're under thirteen, forget all of this for a year or two. That's too young to be running around alone.

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