
What can I do with my plastic bags to keep them out of landfills?

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my county doesn't allow you to recycle plastic bags and I always get them from the store, I am going to start bringing my own bags but I still have a bunch of old plastic bags what should I do with them?




  1. reuse them is what id do

  2. Grill 'em, stick a pin on the back and give 'em away as badges.

  3. Check around your town hall...see if they have something in the works, if not bring them some suggestions and maybe YOU'LL be the one in your town that got it all started!!!

    good luck:)

  4. in my town they have bins for plastic gro bags...but u should not worry abt putting them in a landfill...they are stable and dont really pollute the water like organic things do...and btw...paper is very bad for does not rot or compost and leaches chemicals into water table.

  5. Take your lunch to work in them.  Use them for little trash can liners.  Doggie duty pickup.  Dirty Diapers.  I knew somebody that didn't buy trash bags at all and used those little bags for everything.

  6. Do you know how to crochet or knit? Or do you know someone who does? They can be cut into strips and crocheted or knitted into a new stronger shopping bag. If you have enough store bags you can make the new shopping bags for your friends and family. They are hefty and totally reusable.

  7. Some of the grocery stores have recycling boxes to put them, I've seen one recently at Henry's Market.  Call around to find out what stores have them in your area. Hurray for not letting them go to a landfill, and a huge YAHOO for going with reusable bags!  It makes you feel great when you use them, just one more thng YOU have made a difference with!

  8. JMHO, but taking your own bags to the grocery store--especially if they're cloth or canvas--is one of the BEST things you can do to keep plastic bags out of landfills!

    Ultimately, you're not going to be able to keep ALL your plastic bags out of the landfill, so why not use one to carry your lunch to work all week long.  (Bring it home at the end of each day.)  THEN, use it to line a small trash can, as a trash bag in your vehicle, or one of the other suggestions made by previous posters.  That way, you've used ONE bag at least 6 times!

    You say your county doesn't allow you to recycle plastic bags.  HUH?!?  Are you talking about in your recycle bin that it picked up weekly?  Have you checked at any stores?  Most grocery stores in my area will recycle them, although I've "heard" that Walmart just throws them out.  Check with local stores to see if any of them have recycling programs for bags, and if not go to a city council meeting and bring up the issue with them.  Surely someone at your local government knows where to go and who to talk to in order to start a bag recycling program in your community.

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