
What can I eat, in food, vitamin, and medicine, to prevent myself from getting Altzheimers???

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I find it difficult to remember stuff, specially the names, and what I ate, sometimes I forget the processing procedures of my orders at work, and that makes me nervous, I'm single, middle age woman, and if I loose my job it will be devastating, not having health inusrance I cannot go to the doctors, thought I'd ask my friends here on Y/A, please help me.

Ofcourse my diet is mostly fruits and salads, but is there any particular fruit, herb, vitamin or medicine, that I should eat more? Please advise. Thanks in advance.




  1. I've heard caffeine has been shown to reduce your risk of Alzheimer's...probably only in lab rats though...

  2. Alzheimer's aside, you need more protein - especially branched chain amino acids.  Also, make sure your calcium and potassium intake are within good limits.There is no specific nutritional prevention or cure for Alzheimer's; but good health in general, and keeping your mind active, can slow both the onset and progression of the disease in affected persons.

  3. Aside from a healthy diet, some other recommendations I've heard were to keep physically and mentally active.  So go on regular walks and try to learn something new every day!

  4. good question

    foods that contain potassium are definitely good for your goal, almonds for one, bananas, citrus fruit (oranges etc), spinach, raisins, almonds, and avacados.  Foods that have anti-oxidants like beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, especially vitamin E, Ginseng.  Foods with the B complex vitamins, or use multi-vitamins or stress vitamin supplements.  Foods or supplements that contain choline are beneficial.  Foods that contain LECITHIN, a rich source of it is from Soy products, like TOFU, soy chips, "soy milk" milk-alternatives, even some quality chocolate (not candy bars, but actual chocolate bars) have it.  

    Oh, and what you should avoid too,  Avoid artificial sugar substitutes, especially  phenylalenine,  Aspartame and its alternative names and its brothers like sucralose.  They'll give you the same symptoms and results like Alzheimers even though you don't really have that disease.

    Also, watch for ingredients in foods that have chemical compounds that contain aluminum, aluminum sulphates, etc, which I've seen in some ingredient lists on some frozen dinners.

    Also, keep your salt intake within reasonable amounts for what you need.  Don't overdo your salt intake too often.  Especially try to reduce or eliminate your intake of MSG, which is blamed on chinese foods, but there is a lot in western foods too, like flavoured chips (especially ones that brag about "intense flavour"), campbells soups and other canned soups too, knorr and lipton powdered soups, gravies, etc.

    MSG and Aspartame are really horrible against the health and life of your brain cells and central nervous system, and all your nerve cells.

    READ all your food ingredients (and chewing gum ingredients) when you go shopping, and start changing which products you buy.  Avoid the unhealthy chemicals,  avoid them like the plague !

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