
What can I expect at Jury Duty?

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I was placed on call for Jury Duty in Minneapolis and I am supposed to report tomorrow. It is jury selection. Is it mostly waiting in a room until you are called in front of the lawyers? What are the chances someone will be selected for a jury (is there a specific type of person lawyers try to "get")?




  1. take a good book and an ipod because you will be bored out of your skull

  2. I disagree with the lawyers wanting uneducated ignorant people.  I have been on many juries and I consider myself and the others that were chosen to be educated and reasonably intelligent.

    It depends on what kind of case.  The lawyers choose certain people for certain reasons.  Sometimes they will choose a person who says things to get themselves excused on purpose.  One guy said he had to leave the Country and could not possibly serve.  They chose him.

    It CAN be boring sitting there for hours

    If you have had several police officers in your family, chances are they won't choose you.  However, they might anyway

  3. Being in the jury pool is boring, long, tiresome.  Many more jurors are called than are selected.  You get pushed around a lot:  sit here, sit there, wait here, go there.

    Lawyers generally look for people who are not experienced or educated.  They want jurors who can be manipulated.

  4. First, be on time. The selection process will take awhile. You may be there a full day.  if it's a criminal trial the defendant might plea at the last moment and you will be told to go home. You will find it very interesting.

    If you do get somewhat bored, just remember that you would want someone willing to serve at a trial for you.  Bring money and snacks for lunch.

    Lawyers do make an effort to choose a certain type of person who they believe will see the merits of their client. They do not choose people who they feel are not capable of understanding the process. They want the best of the best for their prospective client.

  5. If it's criminal court when you get to the point where they ask you questions one question will be do you know many police officers or prosecutors or lawyers? Answer honestly and you will most likely be dismissed from the case.

    It's a good idea to bring a book and/or an Ipod as you will spend time waiting. Most courthouses now have "airport security" be careful not to bring anything sharp they might take away.

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