
What can I expect for my sophomore year in high school?

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I haven't made much close friends in my freshman year and my grades were average. I just want to find my own group of friends. Also, I tend to act a bit nervous when talking to kids who seem to have lots of friends or are outgoing and popular..




  1. not a good start for highschool. in highschool you meet new people and get the chance to be the person you want people to see you as by making a better impression. if you didnt do it freshman year, then its not to late, expect the same thing out of freshman year, except now this time just be who you want people to see you as. and if you seem nervous then maybe youll be known as the shy girl. also, if you havent made many friends freshman year, then people dont really know you still. so thats good if your making a first impression. cuz if people that already know your shy see that all of a sudden your acting different they might have something against that. so for you, its not to late. just be and act like the person you want to be, act confident if you want, and if people accept you then thats good. not everyone can act like that and be accepted. it has to fit you. if you get nervous around those people itll just make you look stupid, ima bout to be a junior and sophomore year was nothing. only difference was drivers ed and some diff classes but thats about it.

  2. As far as meeting people, I would say your best bet it to take every chance you can to talk to everyone.  When you're walking down the hall, make eye contact with people, smile, and say 'hi.'  Complement others when they're wearing clothes that you like, if it looks like someone needs a little help (they seem lost, they've dropped something), take a minute to help them out.

    The biggest part really is to just make eye contact and smile.  If you appear friendly and ready to engage people, conversations will come naturally, and the more conversations you have, the easier it will be to find people who you have a lot in common with.

    You can also take advantage of social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook to see which of your classmates share your interests.  Think about joining a school club or team.  Sports, chess, drama... whatever strikes your interest.  There are lots of potential friendships out there if you start looking!  :)

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