
What can I expect from a cat/dog fight?

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Every evening I take my kids in the front yard so they can scooter and play with neighbor kids. I sit out there and watch them. I also have a 12 y/o who sometimes sits out there with me. We also have a cat who like to lay in the grass next to us (on our property.) The other day a couple were walking there 2 dogs. I do not know them but have seen them once before when I was out walking, so I said hello. They said hello back, and stopped. This is an older couple (late 50's, early 60's.) They just stood their watching my kids. My 7 y/o had gone across the street to see if her friend could come out and play and was returning to our driveway. She said "cute pup" and the dog went CRAZY, barking and growling at my 7 y/o. Our cats hair and tail shot straight up when this happened and started hissing at the dog. The people just stood there, my cat was obviously upset. I told the 12 y/o to grab him so he could calm down, but then both dogs started barking and growling at the cat, so the cat jumped on the smaller dog (but the dog was still bigger than my cat.) The cat jumped off of them and the people still just stood there, then the dogs started up again, so the cat jumped back on the smaller dog. Both dogs were biting and growling and attacking my cat. The man picked up the cat my 12y/o went and got the cat. FINALLY they started walking again. My cat was fine when their dogs were not growling at us or on our property. The people crossed the street and left.

The next day the lady comes to my house and asks if the cat has it's rabies shot because, and this is her words "I just wanted you to know that yesterday we were out walking and walked by your house and out of nowhere your cat came from hiding and attacked my husband and bit him." I said yes the cat has all shots and left it at that. She left and I called the cops. I wanted a report on file because she was making it sound like we were not even outside and like her dogs did nothing to provoke it. So the cop came, I made my report.

Also, we are moving in a few days, my husband is military and we are going to below freezing temperatures and I'm allergic to cats, so it wouldn't be able to stay inside or go outside. SO even before this incident we had made arangements for the cat to have a new home with a friend of ours. So that is where the cat is now.

Today animal control came saying they needed the shot records and possibly the cat because a neighbor was attacked by it. I told animal control that we're moving and our papers were already packed but that I'd look for him. This was at 4:30pm, their office closes at 5pm. I didn't know which box to start looking in so I just went to the vet and got a copy of the shot records from them. I went straight to animal control but they were closed, I will go first thing in the morning. BUT I told animal control that I had already filed a police report about the people and that I did not see our cat bite him and that it was their dogs that were biting. I discussed this with my husband and we feel that if our cat has to show records that they should have to show records for their dogs and that if our cat has to be taken into animal control their dogs should have to be taken to animal control as well.

What more can I expect from this? Like I said my husband is military and they are moving us very soon.




  1. I don't know where you live, but most places require a ten day quarantine. Since your cat has never show any signs of aggressiveness towards anyone or anything else, and she was acting our of fear for "her" family, they'll probably let you do it at home. If they do anything at all. Since you filed a report and they didn't say anything about the bite at the time it was supposed to have happened, I doubt anything will come of it.

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