
What can I expect in getting a mole on my face removed with liquid nitrogen?

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Does it hurt? Does it leave a scar? How long does it take to heal?




  1. probably minor scar, no pain, heals quickly, you will look fine the next day, gets better with time

  2. It does hurt.  Your skin is being frozen.  I had warts removed from my thumbs that way, and I have no scarring at all.  It didn't take long to heal either.

    The pain is when the actual freezing is done.  Once you warm up again, it stops hurting.

  3. you will have a scar, you should not feel anything but coldness, and it will heal like a scab, if you pick it, scaring will be greater, treat it as a burn once you go home.

  4. it hurts...and it might grow back...

  5. I had a skin tag taken off with liquid nitrogen.  First, my dermatologist injected the tag and it hurt a little bit.  Then it got numb, and before I knew it, she was done removing it.  But it was sore the rest of the day and the little mark took a week or so to go away completely.  But the pain was gone after the first few hours.  I don't have a scar.

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