
What can I feed my goldfish?

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I have a little 1-inch goldfish and I want to know what I can feed him besides flakes or bloodworms. I've tried a mashed pea and some lettuce but he won't eat.




  1. silver fish or i use diamond fish or if u dont have money bronze fish  

  2. human flesh and nerve tissue

    h**l grow strong and healthy


  4. fish food

  5. pellets

  6. go to your local pet store and get some fish food flakes

  7. Oh! I know this one! Fish food.  

  8. Use either flake-form or floating pellets.

    Consider occasionally offering snacks, such as leafy vegetables (lettuce and spinach) or live food (brine shrimp and mosquito larvae), for variety.

  9. FishFood:D

  10. crumpled up cheerios!

    It works for a koi pond.  

  11. Little bits of orange.

    No dog food!

  12. have a man bust a nut in the bowl and the fish will eat it and it gives the vitamins

  13. well how about a brick?  

  14. Little colored marshmallows!

  15. fish food is the best

  16. bread crumbs

  17. partlii boiiled carrots/cornflakes

    ii no iits not normal

    but they enjoy them nd they dont do them anii harm

  18. i used this food for my 8 gold fish they loved it and its good for there health

  19. I' m glad you use at least something beside flakes and that you have also tried other foods, very smart on your part. no w i suggest trying brine shrimp--live or frozen is up to you-- mosquito larvae orange and zucchini slices. the slices need to be removed after about 4 hours just cause at that point, they wont eat at it. remember that goldfish and koi's were originally bottom feeders so try not using flakes or if you do at least moisten them b4 adding them so they don't stay up at the top to reduce the chance of catching SBD. i hope you find something they like and wish you good luck on your fish adventure.  

  20. Goldfish are herbivores and kind of picky. You just have to keep trying until you find something they like. Try squash, cucumber, lettuce (not ice berg...only the green leafy kind), etc.

  21. What your feeding him right now is erfectly fine but if you wanted to switch it up a bit you could try some floating pellets. But if yu stick with the bloodworms and flakes he will be perfectly healty

  22. fresh and gourmet food is the best...grounded up into tiny pieces so the fish can digest right. for example:

    diareeaahh with a pinch of pumpernickle

    p**p with a smidgen of vanilla toenails

    and my FAVORITE:


  23. Think about it.  you gave him peas.....  I wouldn't eat it either!

  24. Be sides the Gold fish food,regular tropical flakes, and bloodworms, try feeding him some dried brine shrimp. Or, if he might like it, beta food. ( flakes or pellets. Either one will work) Beta food is like regular tropical fish food except it's higher in protein. I would try looking around the fish store or pet store and ask about what your Goldfish might like. =]

  25. maybe friggen fish food.

    what the h**l fo you think..

    far out you must be pretty disgusting

  26. jelly beans!

  27. Ask you local pet store for some flake food. HE should eat that there is some made especially for gold fish.

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