
What can I get for possession of cocaine first offense??

by Guest58433  |  earlier

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It was a felony because the guy I was with had it and tried to hide it in the cop car after we passed guard lines, he was however in a different police car than I was but we all got charged for it. I don't want to serve any days in jail so should I hire a lawyer??

What will likely happen to me since its my first offense??

I live in Georgia by the way if that helps.




  1. Here's what you can get....get the heck away from the guy who had the cocaine. Smarten Up!

    I wish you well.

  2. How much cocaine did the guy have? In NC, cocaine is the only drug violation that can result in active prison time on the first offense. A trafficking (one ounce) charge is a mandatory six year minimum.

    In legal terms it really doesnt matter if you didnt have the cocaine on you, due to constructive possession rules. However, it will definately work in your favor come sentencing.

    Concur with previous posters, get a lawyer!

  3. h**l yes, hire a lawyer! Explain the situation to him/her in graphic detail and let them take it from there. I don't believe a felony possession charge varies that much from state-to-state (especially if it's a first time offense) however, do your best to cover your own behind and don't get one of those shopping mall lawyers to leave your fate to. Good luck.

  4. The fact that it wasn't on your person may help your case a bit.  You should absolutely hire a lawyer.  I can't stress that enough, especially since this is a felony case.  With a good attorney and it being your first offense some possible outcomes could be:  probation (that's a given), community service, mandatory substance abuse counseling, a hefty fine, and some suspended jail time.  Good luck and hire that lawyer today!

  5. two questions - can you be prosecuted and what would you get.

    Can you be prosecuted?  For drugs not on you at the time of the arrest?  Sure, as long as there's probable cause to believe that you possessed those drugs at any time.  It doesn't matter where they were found (though that would obviously affect the provability of the case) as long as they can show that you did possess them.

    You should specify how much drugs were allegedly recovered, and what statute you are being prosecuted under.  In NYS eg, you can be prosecuted for possessing a certain amount of drugs or for possessing any quantity of drugs with the intent to sell,l even if there was no sale count charged.

    What will you get?  It;s not uncommon for a felony charge to be reduced somewhere along the line to a misdemeanor.  There is probation (even straight - that is no jail attached) for both felony and misdemeanor convictions, but you want to steer clear of felonies because they come with all sorts of debilitating civil disabilities, and also because another felony conviction will come with mandatory state prison incarceration.

  6. You should probably hire a lawyer. If it can be shown you were in a different police car and also that you had no cocaine on you, it's worth a go.

    Fooling about with coke deserves punishment.

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