
What can I give a 5 month old kitten for a cold?

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My kitten has watery eyes, running nose, and is sneezing quite a bit. I want to nip it in the butt before he has the chance of getting pneumonia Unfortunately, I don't have the money to take him to a vet right now. I heard that with animals with allergies you can give the benedryl or something. Any suggestions?




  1. You can go to a pet store or even a vet and they'll tell you what you need.    

                                  hope i helped : P

  2. Give your cat a childrens dose of roitussen DM. I worked at a vets office and that is what we would tell people.  Try just a little bit first since it is a kitten. I would say no more than Icc just to try it.

  3. Unless you are trained to give animals medicine you should refrain from medicated your cat on your own. A kitten has a very low body weight and so it can only receive very small dosages of medicine. Any thing that you could give it might actually cause more harm (and yes in some cases cause death). Medicines made for humans aren't for animals, you would need animal feline medicine, you would need the right dosage (almost impossible to figure out unless you are trained in animal medicine), and you don't even know what the animal is sick with so how can you treat it for something that you don't even know it has? Trust me I know it sucks but if you want to be a pet owner then that means being responsible and putting the needs of the animal in the front of your heart and mind - take the animal to a vet.

  4. It sounds like an upper respiratory infection the vet is where it needs to go. You should really have extra money BEFORE getting a pet so that you CAN afford to take it to the vet when it's sick.

  5. Since cat flu is viral, it cannot be cured; rather, the cat's body must fight off the infection, which takes around 3-14 days. However, there are a number of supportive treatments which may help the cat fight the infection and which can certainly make the cat feel more comfortable

    i lost my 15 year old cat a week today,she died from the flu,i started off with a few herbal remedies which didn't work,and I'm sorry to say took her to the vets too late..please take your kitten to the vets,beg steal or borrow the money,but please don't leave it too late like i did trying to save a few pounds.

  6. you may also use other feline upper respiratory herbal treatment to reduce the severity of the symptoms. Licorice and antiviral Herbs like Elderberry are effective Herbal Remedies for cat colds. Vitamin C.

    You may try any of these but I think whatever you spend on trying to cure the kittens cold you may spend more than the vet. It is vital that your kitten get the treatment that she needs, because she is young andvulnerablee. She already has a really bad upper respiratory infection and she needs the vet. Take her to a low cost animal clinic such as a spca  or any low cost clinic in your area, sometimes you will just have to bite down and pay the money to save your kitten, Grin and bare it, god will help you later.

  7. My suggestion is that you leave it well warmed since it can not take it to a veterinarian at least you are making a good deed, der warm milk to make sure that he is not with cold.


    Gabrielle Brazilian

  8. Mabye some warm milk or take your cat to the vet to see what is best for your cat.Good luck!!!$

  9. Do NOT give the cat Robitussin!! And antihistamines will not stop the cat from developing pneumonia.The cat needs a vet,so call around to see if you can find one who will let you make payments. In the meantime,go to Wal* Mart or a drug or health food store and get some L-Lysine ( where the vitamins are) .get the 250 mg capsules or tablets and give the cat one twice a day.Feed the cat warm chicken broth,meat baby food and anything else it will eat.Use a plain saline nasal spray to clean the nostrils out,and treat the cat with steam by placing it in a cat carrier and placing a pan of steaming water just outside of the carrier and covering the carrier and bowl with a "tent" made from a blanket or sheet. And save money to get the cat to the vet - even if you have to sell something or do without for a while.The cat will need to be vaccinated and fixed,so you need to start saving now!!

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