
What can I give my 7 wk old baby to make his stool softer?

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For the past couple of weeks his p**p has been really soft, but the past few days it has been harder and he struggles(pushes hard) to make it come out. What should I give him to make it softer? I hate to see him like that. I was told to give him a few sips of water and that should do it, but I want to see if anyone has tried anything different.




  1. my doctor said gerber prune juice and it worked for my baby

  2. Karo Syrup Dark  put a teaspoon in his bottle. once a day or twice a day.

  3. There are a few things you can try, but you should definitely consult your pediatrician.  7 weeks is very young and you don't want to give him anything that could disturb his system.  I recently started giving my son prune juice to help his bowels along as he was having a little bit of a problem pooping as well, but from what I understand you should wait until they are at least 2 months old before giving them prune juice.  Either way, just ask your pediatrician.

  4. My daughter was 4 weeks old when she started struggling to pass stools.  I called my pediatrician and he told me to put 1/2 a teaspoon of dark karo syrup in her bottle 3x a day.  It has really helped and she doesn't push so hard or cry when she's going to the bathroom anymore.

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