
What can I give my daughters gerbil to snack on or play with?

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My daughter just got a hampster. We have a ball, nice cage w/wheel and tubes and gerbil food. I want to know what kind of stuff is safe from my yard and house for it, flowers, tomatos, corn, sticks? Thanks




  1. ok first get untreated wood like a stick get a wheel with no holes in it you can give it grapes carrots apple any fruit with out acid lettuce make sure it is all washed you can only keep your gerbil in the ball for a half an hour tops they don't hate it but they don't love it also you need to buy care fresh bedding but nothing with pine or cedar  

  2. Gerbils love all sorts of treats! Below are just a few...

    *Dandelions (washed)

    *Scrambled or boiled egg, only a small amount though

    *Bits of Cheese

    *Plain dog biscuits

    *Some cereals, such as cheerios

    *mealworms, dried (normally found in wild bird sections of pet shops)

    *Millet spray (domestic bird section)

    *Natural yoghurt

    They can have a bit of most fruit, berries that we eat and veg, but steer clear of the things below:

    *Raw kidney beans

    *Avacado pear

    *Raw potato


    *All plants from the garden other than dandelion



    A great cheap and cheerful toy is a simple toilet roll tube! It will keep him busy for a good few hours and is great to chew on!

  3. My friend had a gerbil, and she gave it dried banana chips as treats one in a while... sorry I cant be of more help!  

  4. Ok They Love sticks and wood to chew on thats fine to give them but if you have a dog or somebody elses cat coming into your yard they might wee or pooh on it and that cannot be given to the gerbal so be careful about that ....

    oh and they can eat tomatos but it could give them a tummy ache and you must not feed them tomato leaves because they will get very sick !

    they like nuts so you have a tree in your yard with stuff like that on thats perfect for them but they cant have conkers !

    they like to eat :





    sprout tops

    baby sweetcorn

    they dont like:




    white cabbage

    raw potatos




    tomato leaves

    they can eat lettuce and cucumber but it might give them a tummy ache if you give it too much !

    hope this helps

    - vanessa

  5. any fruit and veg but not much as it can cause diarihea

  6. They eat most fruit and veg -

    just make sure you don't give them too much as this can give them diarrhea :(

    and also don't feed it any chocolate or sweets x

    hope I helped x

  7. They love tubes, fresh veg (but dont give them too many veg as it can upset their stomach), they also like cotton wool to make nests out of.

  8. Which is it hamster or gerbil there not the same,

    first gerbil hate the ball as the like to smell thing,

    and alot of wheel can cause the gerbils tail to gerbil caught in it at that can cause it to lose it's tail completely and it will never grow back

    if you going to ask a question please get your facts right!

  9. pencils

  10. you can safely give it wood, corn, flowers, herbs, and take him outside once in a while, and let him roam under supervision.

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