
What can I give my son's preschool teachers for valentine's day?

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What can I give my son's preschool teachers for valentine's day?




  1. A nice V-Card...........

  2. If the teacher has a family i would make a nice movie basket with popcorn, soda, candy, kid movie.  This a different but loved gift.  I would also have your kid make the teacher a card or maybe a necklace out of beads cuz homemade stuff means a lot.  Hope i helped

  3. give them something nice, like tea, a card, homemade soup mix or something cute but actually useful.

  4. A gift certificate to Nordstroms.

  5. A heart made out of red construction paper.  They go nuts over stuff like that.

  6. my mom's a teacher and she always comes home with loads of candy that she doesn't want.  I would suggest a little desk plant or just a card instead.

  7. Bath and Body works Lotion, a nice candle, picture frame, gift cert. to an area restaurant or book store.

    A nice note is also a treasure!

  8. As a preschool teacher, I love getting notes from parents saying how I've have helped their child. Pictures of the kids are great  too. As far as actual gifts, I love getting good hand lotion. I wash my hands many times a day and they do get rather irritated.

  9. I am going to direct you to a website for a neat family magazine that has tons of simple, inexpensive crafts that could be made for your son's teachers. And the best part is that he can help you to make many or most of them, making them much more memorable and special to the teachers. Go to You should find plenty of ideas. Good luck!!

  10. Teachers shouldn't really receive anything of value from the parent because of bribery issues (even thought that isn't what you are intending to communicate).  What is appreciated is a note stating how they are doing a good job.  What has your son learned under her guidance?  That is much more appreciated than anything of any value.

  11. Best teacher gifts I've heard of...

    1 - Get together with the other parents, and get a spa gift certificate, or for a dinner at a restaurant with no kids...

    2 - Gift Certificates to Tim's (in Canada) or something like Starbucks.

    3 - Gift Certificate for a movie rental wrapped up with some microwave popcorn

    (Basically anything that won't end up in a yard sale in another town - for fear the parents will find out you don't want yet another glass apple or mug)

  12. teddy bear..

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