
What can I give to a person who is leaving for Germany?

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She is skipping our senior year of high school and plans to live in Germany for a year.




  1. anything that he or she likes for sure !

  2. A good kick in the ***...

  3. A pack of Alka-Selzer, another of Aspirin, and the good advice to not go overboard with the drinking. (I know a couple of people who came to Germany and thought it was such a treat to be allowed to drink alcohol when you're in your teens. The problem being that while most (by far not all) German teenagers test their limits and know them, drinking with your German friends at parties or on a night out might leed an "untrained" foreigner to some things not so pleasant, like blackouts, barfing, making a fool of themselves in public, and, in worst case scenarios, to alcohol poisoning (and possible death, since the kids who the people are with are slightly drunk themselves, don't take the situation as seriously as it has to be taken, and act too late) or, by far the most uncommon, but not unheard of, alcoholism. )Tell her to take it easy with the whole: "I'm aloud to do this over here!". Just because you can doesn't mean you should!

    Besides that, I'd say give her something to remind her of your friendship. A blanket she can cuddle up with if she get's homesick, or a nice frame with a picture of you and her, or her and the whole gang of friends.

    Anyway, she'll have a good time here in Germany, as we are not behind the moon. Tell her to make sure she has had a Döner Kebab before she leaves Germany, or, if she is a vegeterian, to have a Falafel. Best fast food in Germany, and she can get it everywhere.

    Anyway, Good Luck to her!

  4. If you're really close, give her something personal that she'll love.

    If not, give her a care package of North American foods that she might actually miss. The first things that come to mind is real peanut butter (closest that I found there was the crunchy, all natural stuff) and real maple syrup. But if there's a candy that she has a fixing for, or magazines, or what have you, that you don't think she'll be able to get in Germany (you can get almost everything at a price in the big cities...less so in smaller towns), then get her a bunch of stuff and make a care package!

  5. Probably something to remind her of her former home in the US.  Like a football, whatever, but do include a gas mask!!

  6. Give her a US flag and  some t-shirts  of her favorite football, basketball or whatever team. That will distinguish her as American, and she'll also have some personal giveaways.

    And, yes, many teenagers smoke here. They're not allowed to, but they do so all the same. I think it's the same in the US. I just look away when I see young people smoking; why call the police and cause them trouble with their parents? I started myself when I was 15.

    Most important of all, give her something personal on the way. Something that makes her remember you. Something only you two know. Make her know that whatever happens while she's away, you'll be there for her, anytime, come what may.

  7. Give her a face mask filter system, as about 90% of German teenagers smoke. That is unless she is already a cancer sucker herself.

  8. Your email-adress and your telefonnumber. We are living here not in the wilderness. To call US from Germany is very cheap (less then 1 EU-cent per min, funny is having a local call here in Hamburg that will coast me 1,8 cent per min).

    Greetings from Hamburg, Germany


    ps: To live in Germany is not the h**l, but also not the paradise.

  9. jh "90% of German teenagers smoke" is just totally wrong......

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