
What can I make for lunch tomorrow with the following?

by Guest56244  |  earlier

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I have the following ingredients until tomorrow evening when we grocery shopping... for lunch tomorrow what could I make with all or some of the following???

Fresh cauliflower

fresh carrots

fresh tomatoes

fresh potatoes

can of back beans

fresh pine nuts

canned veggies (peas/corn/carrots)

whole wheat pasta...

Can of tuna

Let me know if you can think of anything.. I have lots of spices as well, so I'm open to anything.




  1. oo yummy! letsss see u can make some whole wheat pasta with tomatoes and pine nuts and add some canned veggies. for snack bring some cauliflower and carrots!

    hope this helps! :)

  2. well you could make pasta salad with tuna on the side.

  3. Yum... I am a veggie too. I would steam all the veggies, cook the pasta. roast the pine nuts then grated them ( keep them chunky tho). Mix it all together with a tiny bit of mayo and some robusto Italian dressing... now talk about a salad !!

  4. A few ideas:

    My favourite is curry.

    Curried cauliflour & veggies with tuna served on pasta


    Minestrone soup-or any soup.

    Bean & veggie salad with tuna.

    Tuna & pasta caserole with veggies

    Bean dip

    Pasta salad

    Potato salad

    Hope these help!

  5. Tuna salad?

    Add mustard and/or mayo to the tuna, throw in tomatoes, cooked cauliflower, carrots, and pine nuts. You could serve it over the whole wheat pasta if you want.

    Best wishes!

  6. Tonight - bake a potato or cook it in the microwave; cook the veggies.

    Tomorrow - cut up the potato and mix it with the veggies and butter or margarine.  Heat it up in the microwave.  

    It's really good!

  7. Haha, I made this exact lunch yesterday: stir fry the vegetables (a little oil, a little garlic in a saucepan, stir around the veggies until they're cooked). Pour them over the pasta. If you have it, mix in a little spicy sauce; I had that spicy asian red paste. But anything would be good... soy sauce, peanuts, tabasco, or marinara.

    Also, I would recommend feeding the tuna to your cat. And not buying any more :)

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