
What can I make to sell on ebay?

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I need to make about $75-$100 a month. I'm 14. I am also babysitting. I need t opay for horse boarding so what could I do? the materieals cant cost ot much. Could I maybe make a cook book and sell it?




  1. You could learn to tie rope halters and sell those...that might be good, plus it is horse related!  I am not sure about the cook book thing.  I doubt many people would be interested.  Here are the two websites you need to get started.  I love tying my own halters!

  2. Well selling things on ebay could be hard, and income wouldn't be sure thing every month

    If you are 14 and have babysitting experience, many places would hire you for a part time job. You could make more money and wouldn't have to babysit

    I'm 13, and trying to afford my own horse (my parents won't pay for it) so I am applying at fast food restaurants and stuff.

    Also, is it just board you have to pay for, or are you in charge of paying for everything else as well? Because there are about $150-200 worth of extra costs every month

    Just some things to think about :)

    Good Luck

  3. My daughter makes bracelets.  She buys beads and charms, and they are strung on elastic bands.  She does themes like holidays, sports events, etc. and sells them locally at fairs and consignment shops and makes quite a profit on them.

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