
What can I make with a bag of marshmallows?

by Guest10964  |  earlier

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I have a bag of mini marshmallows that I've not yet opened and would like to do something with them. They're just the plain white ones. I also have chocolate chips (milk chocolate and Reese's swirls), pudding mix, potato chips, tortilla chips, chocolate sauce, strawberry jam, graham crackers...I'm looking to make things that will help clean out my cupboards a little bit. Any ideas?




  1. I would pop a bag of popcorn. Take the marshmallows and melt them in a small pan with a little bit of butter. Once melted, mix in the

    popped popcorn and add a few of your milk chocolate chips or reese swirls. Great alternative to the everyday popcorn!

    FYI: Don't worry about the non-healthy comments from Tink. Had Tink read your whole question/comments instead of being so quickly opinionated, it wouldn't have made him/her come off so stuck up.  

  2. Do you own anything healthy? Yuck. You could make smores with your chocolate chips, marshmallows and graham crackers but otherwise you have a weird combination of stuff that should probably be eaten separately. You need to get some salsa and bread for toast. that would use up your tortilla chips and strawberry jam. oh and some icecream for that chocolate sauce.  

  3. Some ppl put mini marshmallows in their hot chocolate.

    You can give me them all, lol. I'll help out eating 'em. lol.

  4. smores?

  5. smore's bars

  6. You can make chocolate rice crispy treats, or smores.

    You can crush up the graham crackers and layer it with pudding and chocolate and strawberry jam like a parfait

    You can make nachos, or crush up potato chips and use it as the bread in meatloaf. It holds it together just as well as bread. You can make a dessert chex mix by mixing marshmallows. graham cracker squares, chocolate chips.

  7. u sily gurl u jus eat da mashmellowz str8 n u praiz Jesus 4 da meel


    2 c. sugar

    1 (5 oz.) can evaporated milk

    1/2 c. butter

    Cook medium heat stirring until soft ball stage 233 degrees.

    1 tsp. vanilla

    1 (7 oz.) jar marshmallow cream

    2 c. graham cracker crumbs

    1 c. coconut

    Stir in until well mixed and drop by spoonful onto wax paper.

  9. Make several things to eat and have a small party for your friends. Take 1/2 of  marshmellows, patato chips , reese's swirls and 1/2 the graham crackers. Crush the graham crackers and put one half on the bottom of a non-stick tray. Then add the marshmallows, Reese's swirls and patato chips and top with the other half of the marshmallows. Bake at 350 for twenty minutes. It should be totally melted. This is a great party item. When it is melted take it out and put into freezer to chill and when set you can cut into long bars. Goes great with the next two party foods.

    Take the other half of the marshmallows and the the other half of the graham crackers along with the strawberry jam, milk chocolate, pudding mix, chocolate sauce, strawberry jam . Tale a long baking pan, non-stick and take one half the graham crackers and put on the bottom of your deep-dish pan. Next mix up your pudding mix and pour i/2 into your pan and set aside. Next add your strawberry jam in a thin layer,then  add the  milk chocolate , then add the other half of your pudding mix on top and smooth out to an even layer. Bake at 350 for ten minutes.You just want everything melted together.. When finished set aside in freezer  to cool.  Take one half the chocolate sauce and drip over the baked layered pudding. A real pudding treat.

      Next take the tortilla chips, chocolate chips and remainder of  chocolate sauce. Take a baking pan and put out your tortilla chips evenly across pan, Sprinkle the chocolate chips across the chips and put in oven at 350 for about five-eight minutes. You want to melt the chocolate chips onto the tortilla chips.  I love both sweet and salty treats.When melted bring out and pour the other half of the  chocolate sauce over the melted chips.

       You now have used all the extra ingredients for your Sweet /Salty Sensations.  I love Sweet and salty, I am going to make them for my roommates tonight. Great treats.

      Could be a good night for Movie Night? Call your roomates and have a party. All go great with  7 up punch. Want not, Waste not!

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