
What can I possibly do about this?

by  |  earlier

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I have not slept in three days, I don't know where else to turn to, and I think I'm loosing my mind. I keep seeing this little girl in my house I've seen her so many times that I can explain her in full details, she has on a white dressing gown with black lace and a white bonnet. Her hair is curly and golden blond, I think she sends me messages telepathically telling me her name is Mary Meyer. She has these deep blue eyes, and she follows me everywhere. The thing is...she's really no their, my husband things I'm going crazy and he, my sister and his mother have discussed putting me in a hospital behind my back. Look, I've seen a lot of crazy things in my life but none of these "ghosts" have followed me around or anything. Usually they disappear after awhile but this girl keeps following me. Sometimes I don't see her but I can feel her watching me. Like right now as I type these words I can feel her presence, at first I was afraid but now I'm just paranoid, exhausted and tired. Is their anyone else going through this? Can you help me? I just want to sleep.




  1. Do like Sylvia Browne says" tell the entity that she is dead and to go to God"..i tried that in my house and it worked

  2. If you're sane enough to ask and write the question then you can't be losing your mind so I'd rule insanity out.  It's then all a question of whether you believe in the paranormal or not.  Personally, I keep an open mind on the subject.

    Sometimes these stories can be quite interesting, and people discover that their "ghost" matches the details of some child who died in the house over 100 years ago or something.  It'd be quite interesting to know if anyone by that name ever lived in your house in the past.  Certainly it might be possible to look up old electoral rolls or phone books for your house at your local library and work out which families were living there when.  The results could be quite surprising, certainly if you did happen across former residents called "Meyer".  It would certainly back up your case.

    If it was me though, and even though I am not a practising christain, I'd consider hiring in the local priest to perform an excorcism.  I'd be willing to try anything, no matter how ridiculous.  Failing that, can't you just get your doctor to pescribe some sleeping tablets?

  3. get very very drunk

  4. UK answer.

    If I were in your position sweetheart I would re-direct your question to the forum posted below, the *Paranormal Phenomina* forum.;_ylt=Ai...

    I really feel for you it must be very scary, I hope these people can help you.

  5. The reality is, this is not our area.  This is the genealogy forum.  We research our family trees.  Paranormal activity and related topics do not belong under this forum.  You would get responses from those really interested and knowledgeable about the subject of your question if you posted it in the right category.  People who are interested in that visit the paranormal forum frequently and can help you.  They do not visit the genealogy forum.

    However, my daughter sees ghosts and I always tell her that it is ok.  She is not crazy, she is gifted.  I tell her don't fight it, just accept the unique ability.  It is nothing to get upset over.  Science does not have to explain things for it to be real.

  6. Tell your husband that you are not crazy, these things have happened to many people, including me.

    Go to this website and have a good read, perhaps you could contact them also.

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