
What can I put in my 65 gallon tank?

by Guest63690  |  earlier

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I've got a 65 gal tank. I want oscars, angels, & silver dollars. How many of these could I have? Also could I put something smaller in there like neons or would they get eaten right away?




  1. well first of all I would stick to either Oscars or make a community tank out of Angels and Silver Dollars... Don't add an Oscar into the mix because most oscars come about 2-3 inches and then when they are full grown reach about 12-20 inches... that would have no trouble eating your Angel Fish or causing them some trauma...

    If you want a nice Community tank but want angels to be your "main" attraction look into getting something like dwarf cichlids and german rams...

  2. You could have the Oscar or the angels and silver dollars, Oscars are messy messy big fish and angels are delicate and sensitive to water quality...this mix is asking for disaster.   FIY Silver dollars  may become scared easily if not kept in small schools of 4+.

  3. you can have about 65 fish, one per gallon. i have a ten gallon, and we usually keep a maximum of about 8-10 fish.

  4. As for the first answer, 65 oscars in a 65 gallon tank?  I don't think so.

    2 oscars would be pushing it even if these were the only fish.  For 2 oscars you should have at least a 75 gallon tank.  You could start out with 6-8 juveniles, let them pair off, pick the best pair, and sell or trade the rest back to the pet store.  No other fish, except maybe a plecostomus of near the same size if you only have 1 oscar.

    I've seen angels 8" high, so I'd suggest maybe 4 angels, at least 6 silver dollars (they're very active, schooling fish) and a plecostomus.  A few Corydas catfish would make an interesting addition and are fun to watch.  This is without the oscars.

    Most smaller fish like neons and guppies would get eaten.  Larger guppies might survive with the angels, I've done that before.

  5. ok that is a very big tank so I wold put 1 tiger oscar 3 (1 male, 2 females) cobalt blue zebra cichlids , and 1 Starlight Bristlenose Pleco and nothing small so angles and silver dollars are out of the question but the fish I selected will be perfect for your tank  

  6. Your angel fish may survive with Oscars depending on how big they are, but Oscars are very aggressive and they will dominate your tank. They are usually kept with cichlids, Jack Dempseys, or gars. You have to get them all around the same size also or they will pick on eachother.

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