
What can I say to console my friend?

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My friend is going through a divorce and it was basically her husband's decision. He was a total jerk to her and really mistreated her, and even though she wanted a divorce she still begged him not to leave when he said he was going. He is moving out tonight and she called me and sounded so sad. I told her to come over and she is on her way over right now.

What can I possibly do or say to make her feel better? I want to be a good friend right now but I dont' know what to say.




  1. Mostly at this point she just needs you to listen to her because she will have a lot of emotions that will make her feel up one minute and down the next. She will need a shoulder to lean on and cry on. So you being there for her is the best you can do for her. Don't talk bad about the guy to her because she will be doing that herself then at times she will talk about him in another good way. God Bless you both.  

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