
What can I say to my girlfriend's Dad?

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Right, i'm a 15year old pre-op male-to-female transsexual and I fancy girls and currently have a great girlfriend from Texas in the USA and she's bisexual and I live in the UK.

Recently she came out to her parents(I'm still in the closet to mine) and she's told them about our relationship which has now lasted 2months and 2days and her Dad already doesn't like the fact that his daughter is dating me, saying i've got her confused and everything and that i'm the only reason she turned bisexual when she was bisexual before I even met her and always have been and saying that what we're doing is ungodly by being in a L*****n relationship and I want to prove to him that i'm a good person by sending him a letter(my girlfriend's given me his address).

Any ideas of what I could write in this letter cos i'm a little stuck?

I just want to bve honest with him and to prove I'm a good person.




  1. Honestly sweetie, at 15 and with a long distance relationship... I wouldn't put too much effort into it. Wait until you guys move closer, are able to spend more time together and KNOW that it's serious (It's clear that you think it is, but if you haven't even met in person and it's only been a few months...things may change). If you all still get along so fabulously and you are seriously thinking about getting married/moving in together... than at that point I would go to the father. At that point you two would have been together for a while and you will have shown him your intentions with his daughter, and he'll be able to see that his daughter is happy... that's your best chance for talking some sense into him- I know that doesn't help you much now, but that's my best advice... good luck!!

  2. Have you spoke to her on the phone? If not you should.

    When I first came on Yahoo about 7 years ago I met this girl and we became friends we were talking on messenger a lot then about 2 years later I arranged to go down to Sunderland to meet her so I booked the train, paid for a hotel room for the weekend and all that stuff. When I finally got to Sunderland she wasn't at the train station. I'd told her what time the train was getting in and all that she said she'd meet me there. I never saw her the whole weekend and when I got back home and got a hold of her on messenger her excuse was she wasn't feeling well (How often have we heard that one?)

    I hardly trust anyone no matter how much you think you know someone they always have a side you don't know about.

    To be honest Lily no offence but I personally think this is just a teen crush and something you'll both get over no matter how sincere your intentions might be now. I know you really love her mate I understand I fancy a woman thats 30 I think the world of her and when she smiles at me she makes me feel wonderful but I know she's totally unobtainable because she's married with 3 kids but she loves to flirt with me in the pub. I go home feeling great (even though I've spent about £20 on drink on her)

    Last week I went and she was there with her sister and they were both at it flirting with me and I just felt soo good.

    The point to this story is you shouldn't just rush into marraige. I see it all too often up here people getting married when their 16 and a mate of mine who has 3 kids is only 28 and she says she's bored with s*x. At first I was like wtf?? but then I realised she's only ever had s*x with the same partner.

    I'd say up until 30 is the time for experimenting, then past that you want to make decisions about settling down. You've still got your 20s to go they are wicked. I don't really want to settle yet and Im not all that up on having s*x to be quite honest I just like having the little dips of excitement here and there like with Christine and her sister.

    In answer to your question I don't think there's any way you can prove your a good person, only time will tell just treat her right and don't give her Dad any cause for complaint. People can be quite protective I mean like last night I was drinking in this little village Evanton Ive never been to before and I goes to the guy sitting next to me 'she is HOT' and then he was like I know her and I think the world of her and I really look out for her. I think that he meant that in the sense of he looks out for her as a Father would rather than he fancies her. You get this kind of over-protection with girls a lot in small places.

    LONG answer, but I hope you got something from it.

    Edit: Point to this is just let her Dad get to know you, maybe you could speak to him too on the phone. Find out what you have in common with him and maybe you can be buddies. He's gotta realise you aren't just some random perv on the net.

    Just don't plan out your entire future too soon though because 99% of the time it doesn't go as planned

  3. I'd say just be honest, and persistent. That's all you can do. If he truly loves his daughter he'll want her to be happy. Maybe he'll realize you can do that for her. Good luck!

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