
What can I say to stop them?

by  |  earlier

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My friends are all 13. Ya 13. And they are already making out and have girlfriends and ex's. It makes me angry because they are 13. How do they go on dates. Their mom drives them to the movies. Anyways my "so called" friends want to have s*x with their gf's. I wear a purity ring so its not for me. I like to stay pure. Its my commitment. So how do i tell them to not have s*x with their girls. remember they are 13. they shouldnt be having s*x til marriage. so how do i tell them no!!




  1. That's awesome ! Congratulations! I'm a few years older then you, and I'm a virgin too. It's something to be proud of. Good for us:] Shame on your friends=/ They are disrespecting themselves and each other. They will hopefully one day learn... Some people never mature though. Just keep being 'pure.' One day you will find a nice girl like me that appreciates it.

    God bless<33

  2. i agree completely you have to tell them not to because think of their poor gf's they might not want to and your friends might pressure them to do something they dont want to if they say they are still going to worn their girlfriends those girls need to know because if your friends arent safe the girls can become pregent and those girls have to suffer and your friends just have to live with the fact that they did that but no one else would know so stop them...NOW

  3. Purity ring? WTF is that?

    i'm not christian or anything like but i believe in having s*x with someone u truly love. married or not.

    talk to them about what i just said. more likely than not they're a lot of talk

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