
What can I take for Swollen Ankles?

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I am getting swollen feet and ankles in the afternoon/evening, they are really blowing up and I wondered if anyone knew of a product on the market that targets this. Once I've been to bed they go back to normal ish but then it starts all over. I thought it might be the heat but there is none!

Towards the evening I can also feel my fingers swelling a bit.




  1. Drink lots of water, avoid salt, and if it is bad enough talk to your doctor, they can give you an Rx for it, if it is necessary.

  2. Why are they swelling is the more important question... and what type of swelling is it?

    If it's inflammation, you can take an over the counter anti-inflammatory (aspirin or ibuprofen) for a while, but you need to get to the root of the problem. It could be anything from injury to arthritis.

    If it's edema... swelling from accumulation of liquid, you may have an even bigger problem. If it's getting to your fingers, this seems possible...

    A doctor can put you on a water pill, but if edema is the problem, it's more important to find out what's causing it, and treat that.

  3. I know a girl who says water pills work really well because her ankles swell up too. Maybe it can help you too.

  4. You probably don't need medication.  Try reducing salt in your diet, increasing pure water intake.  Wear comfortable shoes with good support if you work standing for long hours.  

    When you arrive home try elevating your entire lower torso against a wall for an hour.  You just scoot next to the wall and put you bottom against it with your legs straight up.  You can watch television.  It would work even if you were able to do it in bed.  Try it.  It definitely cannot hurt and most probably will help.

    If swelling persists do see a doctor.  You may want a test for diabetes and high blood pressure.  These are both silent killers, particularly in African Americans.  Your symptoms could fit both conditions.  However, since you are female I would think this could just be water weight that can be handled by the methods I suggested.  Try to determine if this happens one to two weeks before your menses.  Water retention is also a typical PMS condition.

    Again, the best advice for peace of mind is see your doctor.


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