
What can I teach my betta and how do I do it?

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I've heard you can teach goldfish to do tricks.

Well, I have a very smart betta and I'd like to have a go at teaching her some tricks.

So far she knows that if the lava light (next to her tank) goes on at night, it means food. When it goes on after that she knows its me getting ready for bed and swims into her castle, ready for bed also. If the light goes on during the night (if I get up in the middle of the night) she pokes her head out curiously.

She also knows what I look like. When I put my face up against the glass she flares and dances. She knows what the food tub looks like and gets happy then.

She's a smart fish. If she misses a blackworm when she eats I merely have to hold my finger above where it is and she goes and gobbles it up.

So, anyone have any idea what I can attempt to teach her?




  1. it should be easy(ish) to teach your smart betta to jump for food!!!  first have her learn to eat from your hand by holding on to the food underwater, and leaving it there until she learns that your fingers give food, shell start to go to your fingers right away for food eventually. when this is accomplished, you hold on to the food onto the surface, just barely touching the surface of the water, shell get used to this and seeing your hand above water. then you can slowly hold onto the food higher and higher from the tank until it jumps a good distance for food.  

    then you can teach your betta to be able to be petted. by this time after feeding the fish from your hand, it wont be scared and will allow you to pet it!!!   good luck!!!     ive heard this bieng done with fish like oscars, mayb your betta will do it too!!  i am wanting to teach my gourami... she is smart to!!

  2. I didnt even know betta's were that smart, seems to me you've already taught her more than most betta fish know:)

    Very smart fish! She must be a happy girl:)

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