
What can I temporarily feed baby chickens?

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I have 2 baby chickens that are only a few days old. I had a little bit of food for them that I was given when I got them...but I ran out and I can't get more for 2 days. What could be around the house that I can feed them for now?




  1. Be creative and just keep in mind how big the chick starter is.  I would avoid moist food but wouldn't rule it out completely.  I would do toast and crumble it.  I have given my chickens corn meal when I couldn't get to the feed store.  An amish lady told me once to give day old chicks scrambled eggs ( I never give raw eggs to a bird for fear they will eat the eggs later)  I like the idea of the find a friend with house birds, we change their feed daily and dump all extra in a coffee can and have given the extra to the school so kids can make bird feeders, and just found someone a few miles from us that have chickens now. we are going to give the "treat" can to.  even cereal crushed up should be fine I wouldn't worry to much about sugar in it after all they recommend adding sugar to the water when you first get them.  Hope I named some things you have in the house.  

  2. Cook some rice & grind it up for them.

  3. Ok . .  

    for the time being you can give them scrambled egg (or boiled egg) mixed with  a little rice and soaked bread

    (luke warm)

    But get their proper food as soon as possibile (chick-crumbs)

    Oh the 2 chicks might not eat the scrambled egg at first  GENTLY you can dip their beaks onto it or sprinkle it near them and as they will be hungry and soon get the message.

  4. Chickens like to peck on stuff in the grass. Just turn them loose outside. But baby chickens are VERY hard to keep alive.

  5. Got any friends with caged birds?  Ask for some millet.

    Ditto the idea that chicks are hard to keep.  Make sure their water is always clean and available 24/7 in a container they cannot get into.  They also need a heat lamp and a place to get away from the heat.

    Don't let them loose, they are impossible to catch.

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