
What can I use around the house to get rid of pimples?

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I have a lot of pimples on my forehead, nose, and two big ones on my cheek and I hate it. What are some things I can use to get rid of them.. like things around the house, foods, oils, please don't suggest any acne creams or anything but some recipes that have worked for you.




  1. What i do is I rinse my face in hot water, wash it, and then rinse it in cold water. Then, I take mouthwash and rub it on the pimples and then cover the pimples in toothpaste. When the toothpaste dries, take it off with a wet washclothe. It worked for me and my friends. So, good luck!

  2. well basic-ly its what you eat that causes pimples like soda or junk food what i recomend is just drink green tea etc. so basicly just cut down on the junk food and soda and you'll be find.

  3. I would recommend plain soap and water before I recommended

    experimentation you could damage your skin. try hydrogen peroxide.

  4. You really want to be careful of what you put on your skin here.  Acne leaves the skin raw and prone to scarring-so just do your research and it also depends on just how bad your acne is.  If it covers large areas of your skin, I'm afraid the best option is probably to go to a dermatologist and get some creams and pills.  

    As for home-remedies, my mom always told me that a dab of toothpaste on a zit, applied twice daily on a clean face (do not use harsh soaps, warm water and a drop of antibacterial soap works fine) will help dry it out pretty quickly.

    Two things to remember also,

    1)  Don't pop them!  - I know it's tempting, but you are only going to spread the bacteria from pore to pore.  

    2) Don't scrub hard when washing your face - Doing so will only further irritate your skin, and leave infected pores open, causing spreading of the infection.

    Good luck! :)

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