
What can I use for a natural diuretic?

by Guest65544  |  earlier

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I have been living up with the southern cuisine - highly seasoned foods. I traveled on the bus home and my feet look like ham hocks but they have been relieved some since last night. Please give me some pointers on how to relieve myself of some fluid before Wednesday (I am leaving out again for Disney - Florida).

I want to be more comfortable in my clothing.




  1. Your feet are probably swollen from them dangling down on the bus. Elevate them above your heart.

    Natural diuretics are: water (yes water) and watermelon just for a couple.

    Hope you feel better and have a good trip!

  2. There are a number of teas you can drink that are natural diuretics.: corn silk, dandelion, parsley, and bearberry.

  3. water with lemon or lime slices.

  4. Ice your feet. Try a toxin cleanser. It usually takes a few days. GNC would have something for you.

    Elavate your feet and stay away from the SALT

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