
What can I use in place of tables for garage sale?

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I have cleared so many good stuff out of my house, and want to have a garage sale this weekend...but don't have too many table to use. Can anyone suggest some alternatives?




  1. You can use long boards if you have any around or even use boxes and turn them upside down and put stuff on top of that.  I've even seen people put down a sheet and put stuff on the grass.

  2. I used the bathroom doors and put the back when I was finished.

  3. Do you have two trash cans, or saw horses, put an old door over them or wood and cover them with a sheet or cheap plastic tablecloth.

    Ask a neighbor to borrow theirs !

  4. I used old sheets on the ground and put my stuff on it.

  5. blankets on the ground.  People do it all the time.

  6. Use boxes or lawn chairs for setting stuff on and use your clothes line for hanging stuff

  7. Sheets on the ground

  8. We have used saw horses, and have a couple sheets of plywood. I also have a couple of card tables. If you ever have an old door and can store it in an attic or garage, you can use it on the saw horses as well. I'm sure there are some better ideas, but these are some we have used before. You can check with your church, and they will lend a couple of tables from the fellowship hall.

  9. I use kitchen chairs, TV dinner tables, Plastic tubs you can flip them.

    You can find boxes and flip them over. Some dumpsters have old boxes in the back.

    Or any old boxes or cases in your storage, if you have one.

    GOOD LUCK......Oh and as a suggustion...I would buy a case of water...and put in  a cooler with ice and sell water for $1.00.....I paid 3.00 for a case and sold about 8 bottles and made a small profit there. Hope this helps !!!!

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