
What can I use on my cats to treat them without going to the vet?

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One of my cat has a really dry nose and the slit has split open, what can I use on it to make her feel better?

My other cat has a cold, sneezes all the time, has a runny nose, and watery eyes?

Need to know what I can buy for them at Walmart or another store like it...




  1. Perhaps a visit from Animal Protective Services would be a better idea....shame on you for not caring for your cats!  Take care of them or find another home.

  2. You should never take animal illnesses into your own hand if you are not an expert. Take both your cats to the vets as soon as possible. It may be something more serious then you think it is. It may be cheaper just to try deal with things your self, but doing this can cause horrific mistakes and may make your cats much ill-er and could lead to death if severe.

    Good Luck With Them

  3. Your cats DO need to see a vet.  Walmart is not a veterinary clinic and the people here at Yahoo Answers can only offer advice from personal experience and are not medically trained professionals.

    Most vets are more than willing to work out payment plans, so please do not hesitate to give your cats the health care the need and deserve.

    If you are still not willing or able to care for them properly, please consider finding another home for them.

    Note:  Sorry Emilie D, but I don't quite buy the story about contacting the vet.  After all, if the vet told you what to do, why are you asking here at Yahoo? You are not a responsible pet owner.  But you do have the money for a computer and internet access.

  4. i think you should just suck it up and take those cats to the vet.  they can give you all of the medications that they need (and if they are sick, you don't want them to get worse).  i've never had a cat with watery eyes or a runny nose.  :(

  5. I'm sorry to tell you this, but they need a vet.

    Or adopt them out to someone who is able/willing to take them to the vet.

  6. There's nothing  you can buy that can make your cat well.  If your cat is ill, she needs to see the vet.  If your child were sick, you'd take her to the doctor.  Why not your cat?  If your only excuse is you don't have the aren't a responsible pet parent.

  7. ask me the same question next week when your cat is no better and dead from giving it pet store brought products and shop stores own brand in stead of taking it to a vet for proper treatment.the reason i am saying this is because my 15 year old cat died monday after suffering a cold and runny nose for 3 days,i got to the vet too late.after trying these blooming things from herbal shops and pet stores.

    don't make my mistake beg steal or borrow the money..but one thing you can put on the cat with a dry nose is a bit of vaseline.

  8. I'd try vaseline on the cats nose but the cat will probably just l**k it clean.

    your other cat might have a more serious problem other than having a cold. Sounds like the same symptoms as my cat did that had feline leukemia. And you have to treat that with medication. So you're going to have to take them to the vet anyway just in case. it'll be more costly in the long run if you dont get the problem right away.

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