
What can I use to SAFELY remove paint from my horse's neck and body area? It is not the "soap and water" type.

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What can I use to SAFELY remove paint from my horse's neck and body area? It is not the "soap and water" type.




  1. one of my grey horses did that once, rubbed up against a wheel barrow i had just painted bright red with enamel paint. i used nail polish remover. it left a pink residue stain and i just used a bleach and dish washing detergent mix and scrubbed it out.

  2. Buy a little turpentine and put it on a sponge or rag.  Dab the paint off.  Then wash off the turpentine.  This is the safest thing I know of.  Fingernail polish remover will sometimes work but if put on the wrong type of paint it will set the color (this means it will soak into the hair and remain there until the hair is replaced).  Thus turpentine is better.  

    Mind you dab do not scrub since you do not want to push it in.  You want to lift it out.  

    We used to use turpentine when I was a kid to wash out paint brushes and scrub paint off hands.  Turpentine is also used as a hoof soak to prevent soreness from quicking a hoof during shoeing.

  3. WD-40 should take most out. I have used it for manes & tails. When they get big burrs. It works wonders!!!

  4. What kind of paint is it? And how did it get on him/her?

    Get some dish detergent and squirt it directly onto the paint, and work it into the fur. Let it sit for a few minutes, and try to use a rubber curry comb to scrub it out. If it's on the legs, you're going to have to get a really soft curry comb. Rinse and repeat. After a few washings, give it a rest for a few days and put moisturizer on your horse's skin where you used the dish detergent to keep the skin from drying out and keep the paint soft. If you can't remove it all, you can always clip your horse as a last resort.

  5. i'd  clip it or leave it. eventually it'll come off, whether  it grows out, or just wears off.

  6. yupp what redial said

  7. Um...I would try a bath, then curry, wait a day or two, then a bath, then more curry until it comes out I guess, just don't give him to many baths his skin will dry out. How did the paint get there anyway?

    hope this helps, please best answer!

  8. ur horse isnt the soap and water kind or the paint??? if its the horse then just make him sit through giving him a normal bath...

    if its the paint... call the paint company!!

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