
What can I use to clean my beardies tank?

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I work at a petstore and we use something called Dimensions III to deep clean all of the animals habitats. It is a solution that if you spray, a tank for example, and let it sit for ten minutes it is supposed to kill 99.9% of all the bad junk, its a cleaning solution, plus it is safe for the animals.

I wantto find something like this to purchase and use on my beardies tank. Anyone know of something out their?

I know that they make specific cleaners for like reptile habitats, but if I can find a better deal than 7oz of something for a cost of much more than its worth that would be great!

I may just see if I can order some DemensionsIII through work.

I have one male beardie in a 55g, how often do you think I should do spot cleanings, and then how often should I do deep cleanings?

Where I work we spot clean daily, and then deep clean once a week, but we also have like 10 baby beardies in like a 5g tank.





  1. if only petstores would listen to us when we know their tanks are too small!! but their reasoning- its temporary housing blah blah blah


    i spot clean my mali probably not as often as i should. he is so freakin messy and throws his food everywhere. i would say though when u see p**p, clean it up. depending on the substrate you use depends on how often you change it. calcium sand and crush walnut shells (my favorite because it is 100% digestible) needs to be changed about every 6 months or so.

    as far as cleaning it out, i have heard of people using vinegar solutions or lemon juice.

  2. Use water , you can use some disinfectant but if the cage is close do not you too much disinfectant

  3. I just use water for the sides of the tank.

    I scoop up any p**p immediately after he goes (every 1-3 days) I clean out his spoiled food every night after feeding.

    But i only "deep clean" when his substrate needs changed.  Probably every 2-3 months. They are not very dirty pets!

  4. First of all you should tell your boss your moving those baby beardies to a bigger tank...that is not enough room for ten babies and i wouldnt be surprised if the babies start losing their tails..and toes to other babies in the tank...when their little tails look so much like worms it happens...very often.

    O.k. as for your beardie i recommend spot cleaning every day...just picking or sifting out poos..dead crickets and dried greens. I do a full clean once a month...i use dawn soap, its safe for the cleans very good and it also kills bacteria.

    Dawn dish soap has been being used to save animals for a very long time...when sea birds get into oil spills..they use dawn dish soap. And im willing to put money on it that every dog groomer has dawn dish soap in their works great for killing fleas...ok this isnt a commercial for Dawn!!!

    But seriously it works..its not harmful to the wont leave a residual smell..and its alot cheaper than those sprays that say they work ..but dont! I use it when i clean my tanks outside and it doesnt harm the environment or your grass when you pour it out.

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