
What can I use to clean my tub?

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can i use liquid soap

or laundry detergent?





  1. Just plain old ajax or comet. The spray cleaners dont really work if your tub is really dirty.

  2. If those are the only items you have available then I would use the laundry detergent. You can use the bleach after it is clean. If the liquid soap is dishwashing liquid then that will work also but not hand soap.


    Bleach will damage the surface of most tubs - both enamel and fiberglass.  Once the surface is pitted, it will collect everything and becomes yellow very quickly.

    If you have already used bleach and have ruined the surface, then all you can do is clean it once a month with a paste made from 20 Volume peroxide (like they use for bleaching hair) and cream of tartar (find this in the baking section of the supermarket).  Use about 1/2 cup of cream of tartar to about l/4 cup of 20 volume peroxide.  You will need to vary this to make a paste thick enough to stay on the walls of the tub.

    Use a small piece of cheesecloth or soft rag and spread this all over the affected area.  Go back about 15 minutes later and reapply.  If it is still not white enough, reapply a third time.  In other words, you want to keep it wet until it has time to lift all the color.

    Household bleach is an acid and that is why it will eat off the shiny coating on your tub.  Most modern tubs are non-acid resistant.  If you have a very old cast iron, footed tub, it may have an acid resistant finish, but I wouldn't trust on it.

    Dishwasing liquid is the best grease remover, and would probably be the best product to use if you have a ring around the tub (this is body oil, after all).  But, be sure to rinse it well, otherwise you'll go flying  on the slick surface the next time you get in the tub.

  4. I use KaBoom and have found nothing that works better.

  5. I use spray foam bathroom cleaner, available at the dollar stores. Whatever you use, don't mix regular soap and bleach, it puts off toxic fumes.

  6. Try the least invasive first. What may also work well is Dishwashing

    Powder Detergent.


  7. use neat white vinegar and then rinse and use a jiff product to go over it.  

  8. Baking soda + a kitchen sponge (one that is rough on one side and soft on the other) + elbow grease and some water work really well.  

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