
What can I use to defend myself? ?

by  |  earlier

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I work night shifts. I live in a somewhat dangerous area. Two-thirds of the walk is on a busy road, but one-third of it is a very quiet, dark road. I want to carry something to protect myself. I know you're not allowed to carry a pocket knife, or pepper spray.

What can I carry that won't be classified as a weapon, but that I can use as a weapon to protect myself? I'd prefer some kind of spray. I will have a knife with me, cause I'll need it for work.




  1. Where do you live that you can't carry a pocket knife?  

    How about a hickory walking stick?  But, if pocket knives are outlawed, then probably so are walking sticks.

    Good luck.

  2. 1) Pepper spray is usually legal~ check with local law enforcement

    2) a loud whistle

    3) some places allow stun guns

    Best weapon is preventing the opportunity for a crime ~ walk with a friend or catch a ride.

    Take a self defense class.

  3. pepper spray

  4. miniature  hairspray bottle? if you spray it in their eye it will hurt. hmm probably not.

    pocket knife id say. but if they dont let you carry any pocket knife or pepper spary, ask why not, and tell them that you need it

  5. Yes, that's good to carry with you just in case something happens.

    Also, if your good at punching someone, you can use your fists. =] Don't forget you have your legs, and arms, and body with full force push, hit, punch, kick, somebody when whoever messes with you.

    I hope this helps, good luck hun! ^_^

  6. Who cares what you are allowed to carry?? It's your life, beg for forgiveness later, if you have to.

    I always thought that if you had to be someplace dark, find an old camera that has a flash that goes off when you push the button. First flash the person, then, when they have their eyes open trying to see, spray the c**p out of their face.

    A high voltage zapper would be good too. Like I said, s***w the laws, it's your butt.  

  7. use capsicum spray!

  8. vegetable peeler.

    Just kidding.  

    Just use your keys and if someone tries to attack, use the pointy/sharp end of your keys and aim for the face/neck.  

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